Page 1 of Sony firmware multiregion available but where?

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Sony firmware multiregion available but where?

bigass (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 15th June 2001, 20:16

I was in a Sony franchise today, I inquired about multiregion capabilities and the young saleman said that Sony disaproved but thay could do two forms of upgrade a software and hardware, at respectively £50 and £100.

I asked if the software change was firmware and he got uncomfortable and said yes. Of course £50 for a firmware update is way too much, and they could have just been offering 2 different chips and upping the price of the full version.

Has anyone else heard of firmware upgrades for Sony machines?

RE: Sony firmware multiregion available but where?

Warren Butler (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 20th June 2001, 00:06

Some Sony players like the 525 you can have the firmware upgraded. Normaly this will allow you to play all discs including RCE. Hacks or Chips varies between Multi Region and Multi Region RCE playback.

As both require both the same amount of time (as most firmwares are soldered in) to do normally you would pay between £50 - £65 plus carriage unless your local dealer can arrange it for you.

If not try enquiring at:-
or email ecivres[at]ku.oc.sreltubjt

RE: Sony firmware multiregion available but where?

billygoat (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 22nd June 2001, 10:40

Yes really you need 2 chips for the full upgrade
i had mind from
billy goat

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