Page 1 of Aiwa XD-DW 1 - Please help !!

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Aiwa XD-DW 1 - Please help !!

Pv (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 5th June 2001, 19:20

Hi .
Are there anyone who can help me whith my Portable Aiwa XD-DW 1.
It´s from the States ( region 1 ) and i would really like to play region 2.
I have heard that there is an remote hack !!!!! - but i can not find it.

Please help me, if you can.

RE: Aiwa XD-DW 1 - Please help !!

Morganm (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 6th July 2001, 22:30

It can be done with the remote control. I bought a multi-region Aiwa XD-DW1 in Singaporewhich developed a sound fault. I followed the reset instructions thinking maybe I caused the fault and inadvertently reset the machine to region 3. I sent it to Sontec (Aiwa`s repairers in the UK) and they reset it to region 2 but I had to forward the remote control for them to be able to do it.
No, they won`t set it to region one, multi -region etc but now I know there`s a hack - just gotta find it. Aiwa Singapore said it was confidential but next time I was in Singapore they would restore the machine to multi-region,

RE: Aiwa XD-DW 1 - Please help !!

doghouse (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 7th July 2001, 19:06

I have found the following hack on:

I have not tried it on my Region 6 (set to Multi-region) Aiwa XD-DW1 drive.
If it works, please post a reply here.

Also, please post if there is a Macrovision removal code for this Player.

Region hack if the player is Region 1, bought in USA:

1) Turn on player
2) Insert any disc
3) Open lid , take out disc and close lid
4) Immediately press [Stop], wait few seconds
5) Press 8,7,1,0 and then >> on remote
6) The player should be region free now!

(PS: I only tried this on my region 6 player bought from Hong Kong)

Also, use:
8,7,1,0,1 to set to region 1
8,7,1,0,2 to set to region 2
This is needed to watch RCE discs

Region hack:

1) Turn on player
2) Insert any disc
3) Open lid , take out disc and close lid
4) Immediately press [Stop], wait few seconds
5) Press 8,7,2,0 and then >> on remote
6) The player should be region free now!

(PS: I only tried this on my region 6 player bought from Hong Kong)

Also, use:
8,7,2,0,1 to set to region 1
8,7,2,0,2 to set to region 2
This is needed to watch RCE discs

RE: Aiwa XD-DW 1 - Please help !!

Morganm (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 23rd July 2001, 13:44

I`ve just tried this on the Aiwa Xd-DW1 I bought in Singapore (which was originally multi-region and is now only region 2) and the second hack 8,7,2,0 works a dream! Thankyou very much - months of frustration has now been ended.

RE: Aiwa XD-DW 1 - Please help !!

doghouse (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 24th July 2001, 23:21

Cool! Glad to be of help.

One question though, when you did the hack, did anything appear on screen to confirm that it had worked?

RE: Aiwa XD-DW 1 - Please help !!

Reg Graham (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 7th August 2001, 20:23

I found the Hack listed at they also have a hack for the DW5 which they say is the same, it seems though that some firmware versions use a different code and I found that at any time the following sequence works.

press [STOP]
then press 8,7,2,0 and then the required region number ie 1,2 etc.
the machine will then show the manufacturers region setting as the one you`ve requested.

This wotks any time on the XD-DW5 and is probably the same for the XD-DW1.

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