Page 1 of Any hack for Toshiba SD21093e

Hack Help Forum

Any hack for Toshiba SD21093e

mitchcom (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 20th September 2000, 09:31

Hi there I am very new to thos so please bear with me.

As it says above. My friend has a Tosh SD21093e and wants multi-region can this be done? How? How Much?

RE: Any hack for Toshiba SD21093e

Steve - (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 20th September 2000, 18:42

I suspect it is a SD2109e and not a SD21093e .... if this is the case we do a diy chip for auto region on this player and also have a fitted "magic mod" for this player


RE: Any hack for Toshiba SD21093e

mitchcom (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 20th September 2000, 22:07

Thanks Steve I`ll pass the details on.


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