Page 1 of Region Chip for Phillips 711

Hack Help Forum

Region Chip for Phillips 711

DUBERRY (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 30th August 2000, 14:11

I am currently wondering whether or not to chip my, Phillips 711 player, but the amount of problems that people seem to have had, is putting me off is. Is it worth and what could the damage be?

RE: Region Chip for Phillips 711

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 30th August 2000, 16:52

The problems relate to the remote hacks, not repogramming (or chipping) from what I gather.

RE: Region Chip for Phillips 711

Steve - (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 30th August 2000, 22:11

Our Auto chip for this model works perfectly :)


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