Page 1 of Hitachi DVP250-E

Hack Help Forum

Hitachi DVP250-E

andy dawson (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd August 2000, 10:01

I need some help in finding a hack for this player. I`ve found a company who will upgrade it for me, but the cost is quite big. Is there a handset hack? or tempory hack i can use?



RE: Hitachi DVP250-E

dockarl (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd August 2000, 14:39

I am not aware of any remote control hack for this player. I think your only option is to get it chipped I`m afraid.

RE: Hitachi DVP250-E

edmull (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 26th August 2000, 01:06

tell me what your email address is and i send you a firmware upgrade
you need to have a cd recorder and the firmware work`s ok.
it makes it region 1-6.

This item was edited on Saturday, 26th August 2000, 01:09

RE: Hitachi DVP250-E

David G (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 29th August 2000, 10:02

Could you let me have the fimware as well. Could you also send on more info. My mail address is 30gxdig[at]moc.letron
Thanks in advance.

RE: Hitachi DVP250-E

andy dawson (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 29th August 2000, 21:49

Thanks for the reply,

My email is noswad.ydna[at]ten.enoenil

Could you also send me some instructions if possible. Are there any known problems with upgrading the firmware?


RE: Hitachi DVP250-E

andy dawson (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 29th August 2000, 21:51


This item was edited on Tuesday, 29th August 2000, 21:52

RE: Hitachi DVP250-E

Pete Shoker (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 30th August 2000, 11:33

hi, would it be possible for you to send me the firmware upgrade also, with instructions as to what to do.
my email is . 1rekohsetep[at]moc.oohay


RE: Hitachi DVP250-E

oddgal (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 30th August 2000, 13:18


can you please send me the firmware thing and some instructions as to how to use it and any more details about it that you have.

also is there any risk of damage or anything to the player? i`m new to all this stuff and i always worry about stuff like this!!!

thanks very much


RE: Hitachi DVP250-E

Lynda Ellis (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 31st August 2000, 20:10

My friend at work has just bought this DVD player bundled in a home entertainment package. I was telling him about remote control hacks, and he would be interested in knowing if there are any for his machine!!

RE: Hitachi DVP250-E

edmull (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 1st September 2000, 17:28

I am making a zip file for this firmware
i have tried it myself and so far no problems
ther will be infor in the zip file telling what to do
i hope to send it to you over the weekend.

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