Page 1 of Goodmans GDVD66

Hack Help Forum

Goodmans GDVD66

James Rose (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 12th March 2004, 17:00


I`ve just bought one of these for my car as there small and that, only thign is i have a lot of region 1 discs and was wondering if anyone knew a multiregion hack for it? when it turns up i will try all the other goodmans hacks to see if any do anything, but thought someone might know, anyway thats it!


RE: Goodmans GDVD66

kenwlittle (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 5th July 2004, 15:25

I have tried the Hack posted for the GDV-66 which was based on the GDV-68 with no success. Most of the hacks seem to rely on the tray being ejected first. The GDV-66 has not got a loading tray!

Does anyone know a working region or multi-region hack for this player?


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