Page 1 of Wanted: Hack for Goldstar VM681M VHS/DVD Combo

Hack Help Forum

Wanted: Hack for Goldstar VM681M VHS/DVD Combo

billnes (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 1st December 2003, 17:33


I`m looking for the multi-reigon hacks for the Goldstar VM681 DVD/VHS combo unit. If anybody finds out can they please drop me a line at senllib.02.02pmet[at]moc.temruogmaps

Bill N. - New York

This item was edited on Monday, 1st December 2003, 17:35

RE: Wanted: Hack for Goldstar VM681M VHS/DVD Combo

zania01 (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 21st March 2004, 19:21

Hi, did you find the multi region hacks for Goldstar VM681?
If yes, please help me. I`m still looking for them.

RE: Wanted: Hack for Goldstar VM681M VHS/DVD Combo

wadosky (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 19th July 2004, 20:05

Have you found the Hack for Goldstar VM681M DVD/VCR Combo? I`m looking like crzy for it!


RE: Wanted: Hack for Goldstar VM681M VHS/DVD Combo

billnes (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 19th July 2004, 20:23

Dear Friend,

I`m sorry to say that I don`t think there is one. I think the best thing for you to do is go to Fengtao Software`s site and purchase DVD Reigon Free. That software will unlock your PC`s DVD-ROM drive with out any dangerous side effects. I purchased it a long time ago and just upgraded to V5.02. It rocks!!

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