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Hack Help Forum

Grundig Hack

dcw (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 5th February 2001, 19:57

Can anybody help. Just won a region 2 Grundig GDV 220 player. There is no hack listed for it in the hack pages and the `nearest` hacks don`t work. Can anybody help with a hack for this machine. Thanks in advance.


RE: Grundig Hack

waytony (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 7th February 2001, 11:56

Hello, i have a Grundig 210 and the hack is as follows

open tray an put in R1 disc

type in 0 1 2 3

close tray

It should now bw multi-region and play enhanced R1.
As i say this is a hack for the GDV 210, but it may work for the 220. Tell me either way.

RE: Grundig Hack

hansolo (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 7th February 2001, 14:13

you say the 210 will become multi-regional after this hack

are you sure as I want to buy a region 3 disc?

RE: Grundig Hack

kvn2 (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 18th April 2001, 19:24

turn on the machine without a disk in it press menu, then 1, 6, and then 7 in sequence that should work.

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