Page 1 of remove macrovision on phillips 890

Hack Help Forum

remove macrovision on phillips 890

cye cye (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 25th August 2003, 11:29

hi, can anyone help me with my problem please, i want to get rid of macrovision so i can tape, i read something on here about setting it up with my vcr phono plugs but my vcr`s dont have any,thanks.

RE: remove macrovision on phillips 890

smooth (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 25th August 2003, 14:33

I need a Macrovision Remover code (if it exists) for Philips DVD 625K and any firmware upgrade which can enhance the file formats that I can add to it like playing of WMA, AVI and DivX (just hoping it exists somewhere).

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