Page 1 of Philips 750 Hack Permanent?

Hack Help Forum

Philips 750 Hack Permanent?

wildfrank (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 18th January 2001, 23:59

I tried out the hack for the Philips 750 on my 710, I used My Palm Vx to beam the file to the DVD player and ...hey presto! region 1 and 2 dvds are now being played. Is this a permanent hack, or is it like one of the others I`ve seen, good for approx 25 goes and then bang, stuck in one region?

Sorry if this is an obtuse question but I got my player as a Christmas present and am a complete novice


RE: Philips 750 Hack Permanent?

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Friday, 19th January 2001, 01:06`s permanent!......and RCE proof (just tested the Hollow Man!)


RE: Philips 750 Hack Permanent?

johnrm (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 28th January 2001, 21:26

Hi Allan,

A friend of mine is soon to take delivery of a Philips 750 - Are the hacks are the same across the range? i.e. Flash for athe 950 applies to the 750 etc.?

Where does one get the flash upgrades + instruction etc? Are these available from Philips, or `through a friend`?!

I notice that in the HomeCinemaChoice review of the 750, a remote hack is available, but can lock up the unit, has anybody any experienced this?

Thanks in advance,

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