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Hack Help Forum

Is anybody out there ?? nobdy answer anything these days

algreenplus3 (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 2nd July 2003, 07:14

nobody help anybody these days ?????????

RE: Is anybody out there ?? nobdy answer anything these days

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 2nd July 2003, 13:58

I try to help when I know the answer, but you do have to realise that people get sick of answering the same questions when the information is freely available (either in other forum threads, or elsewhere on this website). It`s just human nature - if you can`t be bothered to look, don`t expect others to be bothered to answer.

For example, you asked about the Proline 1000, but if you`d bothered to look in the Multi-Region Hacks section of the site, you`d have found the hack straight away.

Similarly, people who ask about hacks for Sonys, Toshibas etc. when it clearly states at the top of the forum that these players can`t be hacked via the remote.


This item was edited on Wednesday, 2nd July 2003, 14:58

RE: Is anybody out there ?? nobdy answer anything these days

algreenplus3 (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 3rd July 2003, 17:39

get a grip too stressed ....only asked a q ....give it up if your fed up

RE: Is anybody out there ?? nobdy answer anything these days

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Thursday, 3rd July 2003, 18:49

I thought he was very civil and not at all stressed.

He`s probably just sick to death of seeing posts about hacks which could easily have been solved if the posted had used the SEARCH button (but that`s clearly beyond many people)

DVD Reviewer

This item was edited on Thursday, 3rd July 2003, 19:49

RE: Is anybody out there ?? nobdy answer anything these days

RJS (undefined) posted this on Thursday, 3rd July 2003, 23:38

I blame Margaret Thatcher.


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