Page 1 of Compakts 5000 cant get the multi region hack to work

Hack Help Forum

Compakts 5000 cant get the multi region hack to work

Cwstad2 (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 13th June 2003, 08:16

hi i press setup it brings up the setup menu. i then press left 5 times and nothing happens. i have a grey controller and not black like in the pic on the manufacturers website

RE: Compakts 5000 cant get the multi region hack to work

martin sneddon (Competent) posted this on Friday, 13th June 2003, 10:08

I Think we`ve cracked it my old mate,have a look at this page and then get back to us with the result.Good Luck...............

RE: Compakts 5000 cant get the multi region hack to work

Cwstad2 (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 13th June 2003, 12:51

thanks worked like a treat. heheh

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