Page 1 of IF ANYONE HAS NEW HACKS FOR Wharfedale 750s & JMB 3000.

Hack Help Forum

IF ANYONE HAS NEW HACKS FOR Wharfedale 750s & JMB 3000.

P.J.M (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 12th January 2001, 14:39

I own Wharfedale 750s but are unshore of what gen it is could someone tell me how to find out please.Aalso if anybody has new hask for this model could they let me know thanks.
Again if anyone knows new hacks for the JMB 3000 DVD Player pleaase could they let me know.

Thanks alot P.J.M

RE: IF ANYONE HAS NEW HACKS FOR Wharfedale 750s & JMB 3000.

Davvo (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 12th January 2001, 16:15

The JMB one to make it multi region is press open/close, stop and skip together for 3 seconds.Should then get menu offering 6 regions and free, choose free and voila.Its worked on mine and plays non region 2 fine. BTW use the remote as I couldn`t get the hack to work using the buttons on the player.How do you find the player?I had it boought for me as a prezzie, being my first dvd player I cant compare it to anything.I get a litte bit of freeze framing is this normal?


RE: IF ANYONE HAS NEW HACKS FOR Wharfedale 750s & JMB 3000.

Hot Honda (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 13th January 2001, 00:12

On this site, you`ll find the Region Hack for the DVD 750S (located under the section marked INFO)- all types. I just followed instuctions, and presto - satisfaction.


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