Page 1 of Wharfdale 750 Macrovision disablement

Hack Help Forum

Wharfdale 750 Macrovision disablement

Kirk (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 4th July 2000, 22:18

Can any one advise me whether mocrovision can be disabled on the Wharf 750 DVD Player? Greatful for your replies.

RE: Wharfdale 750 Macrovision disablement

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 5th July 2000, 12:04

No it can`t unfortunately. Also since it was remote hackable from day one I don`t even think you can get it chipped (which usually has the knock on effect of removing MV) either.

RE: Wharfdale 750 Macrovision disablement

tpmchugh (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 5th July 2000, 12:36

Techtronics will chip a Wharfedale but it does not remove macrovision. If you can lay your hands on an Aiwa FX4500 vcr problem goes away as this vcr is macrovision immune (mine is and I read of another on newsgroup). Problem is that this vcr may no longer be available cause I havnt seen one since I bought mine at Christmas 98

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