Page 1 of UMAX Yamada DVD-2100

Hack Help Forum

UMAX Yamada DVD-2100

andy_21 (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 18th December 2002, 17:14

Does anyone know how to make these DVD players multi region?

I`ve just bought it from METRO in Germany for 91 Euros (about 56 pounds). Could be sold in MACRO, in UK, as its the same company.

RE: UMAX Yamada DVD-2100

NEXUSX (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 24th December 2002, 03:03

This player comes region free as standard.

But i`d be grateful for a macrovision hack if you`ve got one.

RE: UMAX Yamada DVD-2100

Demonshead (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 29th December 2002, 17:17


Did you manage to sort out a Macro Hack yet??


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