Page 1 of Hack needed for Sanyo SL20

Hack Help Forum

Hack needed for Sanyo SL20

ezwookie (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 10th October 2002, 17:38

Hey, has anyone found a hack for a Sanyo SL20 yet??

Please can you reply if you have, or if you have any other suggestions!


RE: Hack needed for Sanyo SL20

Fu Que (Competent) posted this on Friday, 11th October 2002, 20:30

you have to send it away for upgrade to somewhere like www.d******* , ask on for an uncensored reply

RE: Hack needed for Sanyo SL20

lovely_mummy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 13th October 2002, 20:08

I just bought one of these. It`s supposed to play CD-R, so I downloaded an mpeg movie file onto CD-R to try it out - disc was not recognised.
Have you tried a dvd-r? It`s supposed to play those too.
The instruction manual says it does not play VCD or SVCD, yet their website says it plays video CD...I`m boggled!
Have you had any luck or is it just sold under false claims!
(Nice looking machine tho!)

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