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Hack Help Forum

Alba DVD 103 Hack needed.

Wolf952 (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 8th December 2000, 23:43

Anyone know a hack for the ALBA DVD 103, Toys R us has it for 140,
What DVD gives it a good write up. So, If I get a hack, I think I`ll get one


RE: Alba DVD 103 Hack needed.

fugasi (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 10th December 2000, 06:31

hi its multi region out of the box i know cos i got one
3 things though 1) the remote is really ugly 2) someone on this site has mentioned bad pixelation with it, whatever that means (i have not had a problem with it) and 3) dont use the rgb socket every thing has a purple tint to it use scart to tv

cheers enjoy

RE: Alba DVD 103 Hack needed.

robert b (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 11th December 2000, 12:10

i got mine from toys r us at £140 on saturday now today its refuseing to play all my r1/r2 disc and when you open the tray when it says stop on the tv it still spinning causeing it to sract your disc a shame if you payeid £18 a time for them be care ful mind you its a great machine

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