Page 1 of Toshiba SD220E Hack

Hack Help Forum

Toshiba SD220E Hack

sra72 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 28th September 2002, 19:10

If i peform this hack will by gaurantee be void?

RE: Toshiba SD220E Hack

Ant-dvds (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 29th September 2002, 15:09

yes and no.
depends on what your warranty claims is. If its due to the hack adn they realise this then yes.

If it has an electrical fault, or the bottom falls off etc ie nothing to do wth your hack update then your warranty is still covered.

You need to check your warranty details to see if they have a disclaimer about such things.

Its just common sense really.

RE: Toshiba SD220E Hack

maca123 (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 7th October 2002, 13:49

Does anybody know if this hack will work with the tosh 220vb, which seems the same spec, just has video player with it



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