Page 1 of Anyone know a hack for toshiba 2109 for vcd

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Anyone know a hack for toshiba 2109 for vcd

mark77 (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 4th September 2002, 19:32

Can anyone help I have got a toshiba sd2109 which I bought already chipped for multi regional, I have tried to play vcd`s but keeps coming up with a disk error message. ¦Is there a hack I can use for this. any help would be appreciated.


RE: Anyone know a hack for toshiba 2109 for vcd

scumbag (Competent) posted this on Friday, 6th September 2002, 20:40

It won`t play `em!!!!!!! Buy a new machine, I did.

RE: Anyone know a hack for toshiba 2109 for vcd

glocky (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 25th May 2003, 14:01

try this.

put in dvd,code violation screen will appear

once this accurs press memory button on your remote

press one for title oneand play on your remote this will over-ride regional code violation detection menu

you can then watch your movie by pressing (fwd)or(t)whichis (title/chapter button on your remote

hope it works glocky

RE: Anyone know a hack for toshiba 2109 for vcd

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 25th May 2003, 23:02

We had the same problem with our 2109 when trying to play VCD`s . I copied the VCD onto a CDRW and it played them without a hitch. No idea how or why I tried it but it worked. If you have a CD burner or a pal with one try copying a disc to a CDRW and try it out.

Choagy :-)

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