Page 1 of Apologies to some people who I challenged this evening...

Gremlins Forum

Apologies to some people who I challenged this evening...

PhilPhrenzy (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 15th November 2005, 23:40


I`ve challenged some grems this evening and used `Hit Harder`, but I`ve realised that the stats I had at the time of the challenge don`t stay the same for when the challenge is accepted. Therefore, some of the matches turned out more one-sided than I had hoped.

I was trying a tactic, and spent around 15000 XP this evening, thinking that it wouldn`t affect today`s challenges - but it did... So oooops :P

Phil - not expecting many challenges tomorrow, if my grem survives.

RE: Apologies to some people who I challenged this evening...

Lamplighter (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 16th November 2005, 02:20

No problem, Phil -- and one heck of a tactic -- logged on before the update and couldn`t believe it!!! And you`ll get your usual challenges from those of us who appreciate a great competitor!!

This item was edited on Wednesday, 16th November 2005, 02:20

RE: Apologies to some people who I challenged this evening...

Magical Mau (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 16th November 2005, 08:33

;) I`m glad I fought Olivia before you put all those points on yesterday.

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