Page 1 of Beanpole, why the refusals ??

Gremlins Forum

Beanpole, why the refusals ??

Evangelly (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 11th November 2005, 15:38


The first time that you refused my challenge I figured it was your game style.

Then you challenged me and I accepted. I return the challege and you refuse me again.... :/

Should I just stop challenging you ??? Hate to waste my challenges.

A little confused.


RE: Beanpole, why the refusals ??

VH1 (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 11th November 2005, 23:25

Evangelly, your not the only person he has refused..

RE: Beanpole, why the refusals ??

Evangelly (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 12th November 2005, 17:24

I wonder how many other "victims" of refusals we have here ;)

RE: Beanpole, why the refusals ??

MTV (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 12th November 2005, 17:48

And ME :(

RE: Beanpole, why the refusals ??

the eggman (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 13th November 2005, 00:20

He`s just refused me. I dont know why as he has much more strength than me and could of gained lots of XP from the fight

RE: Beanpole, why the refusals ??

VH1 (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 13th November 2005, 09:53

He ain't going to get far if he keep refusing matches, at the end of the day if someone challenges you, its free XP for yourself.

My motto is "BRING IT ON", i refuse none, especially seeing as XP is hard to come by down at the bottom of the league.

Officer, don`t look in the boot, i have a body in there

This item was edited on Sunday, 13th November 2005, 09:55

*Steve*, why the refusals ??

MTV (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 13th November 2005, 20:55

*Steve*, are you related to beanpole???

Why the refusal??

you challenge me, i accept, I challenge you you refuse, Why...

RE: *Steve*, why the refusals ??

Evangelly (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 14th November 2005, 17:19


You are too funny !!

*Steve* has never refused me and he makes a good challenge....... quite distressing.. I feel there is a disturbance in the force........ :/

A ;)

RE: *Steve*, why the refusals ??

the eggman (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 17th November 2005, 18:33

*Steve* has just refused me to which is strange as he`s accepted my challenges everyday up until now. Thats the last time I challenge him

RE: *Steve*, why the refusals ??

Evangelly (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 17th November 2005, 19:48

Henry`s ***** just refused me !!!! LOL

I wonder if they just like to read about them selves in this message board. ... maybe they are thinking about how to get written up about and they say.. well Beanpole was written up about because he refused, maybe I will refuse too and get written about !!

Sort of their 5 minutes of "Online Fame" !!


PS: Maybe we should start writting about who "does" accept our challenges !!! (lets think on that)

This item was edited on Thursday, 17th November 2005, 19:49

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