Page 1 of Another lousy challenge to give away

Gremlins Forum

Another lousy challenge to give away

UncUgly (Competent) posted this on Friday, 19th August 2005, 13:34

to the person who replies to this thread closest to 5:30pm as judged by the time on the post !

I`ll hopefully be in the car on the way home from work by then but ...


RE: Another lousy challenge to give away

bethyblue (Elite) posted this on Friday, 19th August 2005, 15:55

I`ll definitely be in the car by then, but as the forum`s been a bit quiet of late, I might still manage to be the closest!

I really need those 3 XP! ;)

RE: Another lousy challenge to give away

PhilPhrenzy (Competent) posted this on Friday, 19th August 2005, 15:59

Access denied Bethyblue (sorry... :P)

Probably won`t be the closest. Might be home around 5:30, but Friday`s usually busy getting home, so will stake my claim now...

My money`s on SLH Basher to sneak in with about 3 mins to go.

But whatever next with the "free challenge" thing? I`m sure it won`t be long before we see challenges for sale on eBay or something :P

Catch you laters,


RE: Another lousy challenge to give away

The Original Fake (Competent) posted this on Friday, 19th August 2005, 16:55

is this closest :¦

yes, just by 6 minutes, sorry phil ;)

This item was edited on Friday, 19th August 2005, 18:00

RE: Another lousy challenge to give away

PhilPhrenzy (Competent) posted this on Friday, 19th August 2005, 17:28

yes, just by 6 minutes, sorry phil

Ah well, at least Bethyblue didn`t get it - can`t have her getting points and overtaking my grem again.. :P

I`m hoping that your grem is safe enough where it is, but I`m watching you... :)


RE: Another lousy challenge to give away

UncUgly (Competent) posted this on Friday, 19th August 2005, 18:18

One large slice of "ass woop" pie served up ;)



RE: Another lousy challenge to give away

The Original Fake (Competent) posted this on Friday, 19th August 2005, 20:10

one large slice of "ass woop" pie duely dished out by UU ;)

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