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Five fights and no points ??? What is up with this ???

Evangelly (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 4th August 2005, 13:17

Since when do we fight and get not a single point for it ???

Is this a gitch or the way the game will be played from now on ??

Comments / Questions ?? Anybody

A :(

RE: Five fights and no points ??? What is up with this ???

Devil_child (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 5th August 2005, 07:00

I have no idea, but its unfair, gremlins higher up can now challenge those lower down and win the points while the small grem gets none, this new system sucks and is unfair to lower ranking grems!!!!!!!

RE: Five fights and no points ??? What is up with this ???

wac77 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 5th August 2005, 08:51

I Agree as well The 0 XP for a fight sucks! >:(
at least before when you got the crap beat outta you, ya at least got 3

RE: Five fights and no points ??? What is up with this ???

RJS (undefined) posted this on Friday, 5th August 2005, 11:00

Shall I add in a minimum for accepting then? :)


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John Prescott

RE: Five fights and no points ??? What is up with this ???

yabba dabba (Elite) posted this on Friday, 5th August 2005, 11:03

Shall I add in a minimum for accepting then?

Yes, 50 xp please :p


RE: Five fights and no points ??? What is up with this ???

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 5th August 2005, 11:33

Shall I add in a minimum for accepting then?
Put it back to 3XP for accepting a fight so at least there is a small incentive for getting the s*** kicked out of you!

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RE: Five fights and no points ??? What is up with this ???

bwb (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 5th August 2005, 12:01

Shall I add in a minimum for accepting then?

Ahh....much better. Now I got 18 points for losing the last 6 matches. There has got to be a little bit more of an incentive for surviving more than 2-3 rounds. The XP should be incremental per round.

RE: Five fights and no points ??? What is up with this ???

bethyblue (Elite) posted this on Friday, 5th August 2005, 12:39

I`m not sure that there`s not too much XP being given out - before, the maximum was 67 points between the two gremlins, and it would go fairly evenly, now I think there could be as much as 93 points available.

Still, like all the changes RJS has made, it`s starting to grow on me a bit now.

RE: Five fights and no points ??? What is up with this ???

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 5th August 2005, 15:23

Are XP awarded for accepting a fight now?

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RE: Five fights and no points ??? What is up with this ???

PhilPhrenzy (Competent) posted this on Friday, 5th August 2005, 15:28

Are XP awarded for accepting a fight now?

Yes I believe they are now. Either that, or BethyBlue is a chavvy XP thief (she doesn`t seem the sort though :P)


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