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Gremlins Forum

How is gremlin lifespan determined?

Frippscratch (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 23rd May 2005, 22:00

Is there a set number of days a gremlin is in each stage of its life? What determines the day it expires? I ask because I had a gremlin which died after 22 days, yet I see some in the league which have been around for much longer. Is it a random thing, or based on some calculation?

RE: How is gremlin lifespan determined?

charli2005 (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 24th May 2005, 05:33

it is random and your gremlin can last anywhere between 21-28 days.

RE: How is gremlin lifespan determined?

way2good (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 24th May 2005, 09:17

Newbie: Whats the order of age descriptions, as its difficult seeing how old the gremlins are on the league tables.

Confucius say "Leave me alone, Stop asking me stupid questions, I`m eating my tea for goodness sake"

RE: How is gremlin lifespan determined?

bethyblue (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 24th May 2005, 09:31

Wow, someone`s ventured out of the KitKat thread! ;)

Welcome to gremlins!

The ages are listed here

RE: How is gremlin lifespan determined?

Jimtastic (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 24th May 2005, 10:00

Out of curiosity, what are people`s views on the random lifespan? I`m in two minds. The random thang gives an element of unpredictibility which is good, but it`s very frustrating when you`ve trained a gremlin rapidly up the league for 20 days only to have it prematurely kark.

RE: How is gremlin lifespan determined?

sarah k (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 24th May 2005, 10:07

i enjoy the random bit so you cannot guarantee which gremlin will last the longest. if there wasn`t the random element you would have everybody chosing the same gremlin as they have worked out it would last the longest. i get upset when all my gremlins die whether it`s lasted 21 or 28 days :(

mind you i do feel sorry for julesuk who has had all their gremlins except this one die at 21 days.

RE: How is gremlin lifespan determined?

bethyblue (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 24th May 2005, 10:15

As each stage is an equal percentage of your gremlin`s lifespan, you can get an pretty good idea fairly quickly if you`ve got a long or a short one. Still frustrating, but that`s half the fun - imagine how boring it would be if you knew for certain on the day you were born which day you would die.

Hi Sarah, long time no e-mail, sorry - have a good holiday if I don`t catch up with you in the meantime! :)

RE: How is gremlin lifespan determined?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 24th May 2005, 10:40

When I get around to it, I`m going to let you "buy" extra days of life with XP.

How expensive this costs per extra day, will directly relate to the number of fights your gremlin has made. So in theory an active gremlin with a 21 day lifespan, should be able to get pretty close to the 28 days of an active longer living gremlin.

It would have some other side effects too, mainly relating to people who play much less (or are challenged much less) being able to stay in the game longer.


"The Green Belt policy is a Labour Policy, and we intend to Build on it"
John Prescott

RE: How is gremlin lifespan determined?

Jimtastic (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 24th May 2005, 10:47

Sounds like a good idea to me.

Another idea: How about if the gremlins took on characteristics of their avatars across strength, dexterity, stamina and lifespan. For example, when born a buffalo/bison would be great on strength, average on dexterity, reasonable stamina, shorter lifespan.

My thinking is that although in this instance, the gremlin would live for a shorter period, the initial strength boost would enable the buffalo to get up the chart more quickly.

Might make things interested (although is probably programming hell!)

RE: How is gremlin lifespan determined?

bethyblue (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 24th May 2005, 10:51

Shouldn`t gremlins who play less get kicked out quicker, instead of staying longer? Otherwise the league will get even more cluttered with inactive gremlins, won`t it?
Or am I missing the point, as usual?

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