Page 1 of I wonder

Gremlins Forum

I wonder

hoochichoochi (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 16th May 2005, 09:38

Just wondering if theres any other kinda games like this on the net?
Apart from the wizard challenge! Anyone know anyelse?

(Differences asides on this one guys) (:¦

RE: I wonder

UncUgly (Competent) posted this on Monday, 16th May 2005, 09:41

another thread

this thread had a few !


This item was edited on Monday, 16th May 2005, 10:43

RE: I wonder

21 Bubbles (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 17th May 2005, 18:27

Might be worth a try.... sounds a bit more essence to do but not gie it a go yet, let me know how you get on

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