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Gremlins Forum

I dont get it!?!?

Ozzywozzy (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 18th February 2005, 14:37

Getting really annoyed now...seems my gremlin just has terrible luck.
I pretty much lost most of my challenges today..which I dont mind...


If your fighting someone and you have between 150-300 more dexterity than them, how the **** do they counter me 50% of the time during the match, and I even miss then at times....
And then I hit them for like 8 dmg when I have 350+ strength..

Also isnt it a bit g[at]y that dexterity is pretty much the only stat that really matters?
If you hve massive dexterity you wont be beaten, as long as your stamina is reasonable..but strenght means nothing.
Infact its almost a disadvantage, if you have strength and reasonable other stats you`ll get less actual experience cos you beat your foe way quicker....
So why not just go all the way with dexterity and get 20+ points every time you fight, it doesnt make sense cos other templates are just not as good.

RE: I dont get it!?!?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Friday, 18th February 2005, 14:46

The only advantage to high dexterity is it makes fights last longer which gives you more XP.

Having higher strength than your opponent gives you a big advantage as you deal a lot more damage.

To hit a person, a random number is generated between 1 and your dexterity score, if it is more than a third of your opponents dexterity score, you land a blow, the strength of which is based on your strength score, and the difference between yours and their strength score.

Sometimes however you just get unlucky. Checking the odds is a good way to see whether you are being unlucky, or just not reading the stats properly.

Generally you will have a 50/50 chance if the total of all your stats scores are the same.


"The Green Belt policy is a Labour Policy, and we intend to Build on it"
John Prescott

RE: I dont get it!?!?

Ozzywozzy (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 18th February 2005, 15:41

But without dexterity you cant win anything....
If you have 2000 strength but left you dex at 100 you will never ever ever win a fight.

By having such high dexterity your garanteeing high xps, and a v good chance of winning...

RE: I dont get it!?!?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Friday, 18th February 2005, 16:28

Got a url to fight as an example?


"The Green Belt policy is a Labour Policy, and we intend to Build on it"
John Prescott

RE: I dont get it!?!?

Ozzywozzy (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 18th February 2005, 19:49

Not a great one, but this was from today.

1 Ozzy grabs at ugly cotton jobs, delivering a bit of a fright
(Damage 163) Ozzy 525 vs 372
2 ugly cotton jobs crawls towards Ozzy, causing a cracked skull
(Damage 61) ugly cotton jobs 464 vs 372
3 Ozzy goes for ugly cotton jobs, but ugly cotton jobs dodges and returns a big punch delivering a knuckle sandwich
(Damage 152) ugly cotton jobs 312 vs 372
4 ugly cotton jobs aims at Ozzy, but misses
Draw! 312 vs 372
5 Ozzy jumps at ugly cotton jobs, but ugly cotton jobs dodges and returns fire delivering a good hiding
(Damage 73) ugly cotton jobs 239 vs 372
6 ugly cotton jobs moves towards Ozzy, delivering a knuckle sandwich
(Damage 152) ugly cotton jobs 87 vs 372
7 Ozzy goes for ugly cotton jobs, but ugly cotton jobs dodges and returns a big punch causing a deadly blow
(Damage 386) ugly cotton jobs -299 vs 372
ugly cotton jobs is the winner as Ozzy has passed out!

His dex was 800 mine 950, and he countered me three times in a row with a quite lower dex rating.

RE: I dont get it!?!?

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 19th February 2005, 07:38

Rob, is Dex still decreasing through the fight down towards the stamina score?

RE: I dont get it!?!?

sarah k (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 19th February 2005, 08:11

look at all the stats for that fight. his strength is higher than yours as is his stamina.
Ozzy vs ugly cotton jobs

Owner is
Ozzywozzy Owner is
underpant prosthesis

Strength: 367 Strength: 418
Stamina: 525 Stamina: 535
Dexterity: 945 Dexterity: 805

strength and stamina also play a part in the fight. it`s not all on dex.

RE: I dont get it!?!?

Ozzywozzy (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 19th February 2005, 11:38

But dex is what decides your hit/miss/counter right?

Strength/stamina dont factor into that...

(what does strength exactly do? Cos i have almost 400 strength and I have countless fights where i go to hit somoene and land several hits below 10 dmg)

This item was edited on Saturday, 19th February 2005, 11:40

RE: I dont get it!?!?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Saturday, 19th February 2005, 12:10

Yes, Rich is right. Your dexterity score drops rapidly towards your stamina score in a fight. This is to simulate tiring, and punish people who spend all their XP on dexterity at the expense of stamina.

So having a high dex score and neglecting your stamina will give you an edge at the start of the match, but it will quickly drop off as the fight progresses.


"The Green Belt policy is a Labour Policy, and we intend to Build on it"
John Prescott

RE: I dont get it!?!?

mgaowow (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 19th February 2005, 13:04

Could we please get a reasonable detail on the 3 stats then, and what they do and how they relate to each other in a fight.

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