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All pansies

dispater (Competent) posted this on Friday, 7th January 2005, 10:18

I guess refusing is becommng in stlye.......

6/1/2005 Blaize Blaize just walking 150 164 207 58 29 29 Refused
5/1/2005 hootee snuffyhedgehog teenager 99 186 217 42 26 16 Refused
5/1/2005 Blaize Blaize just walking 150 164 207 58 29 29 Refused
4/1/2005 JoMomma Thaddius young adult 101 136 165 39 18 21 Refused

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: All pansies

Blaize (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 7th January 2005, 12:04

Son of Bob: 155 200 260.
Blaize 150 164 207

I`m having a hard enough time losing to people of my own standard since these new tactics, why would I hand you my arse whipped on a plate?

Grow up and quit your wining, it`s only a game not that you`d know it from your attitude.

RE: All pansies

dispater (Competent) posted this on Friday, 7th January 2005, 13:30

Because it`s not a gauranteed win. I went 2-18 to start agaist gremilns who made you look like a powerhouse vs me.

Lost 5/1/2005 The Incredible Trotter BarryTrotter 116 136 153 65 33 32
Lost 5/1/2005 Pookster II Samba123 113 160 205 72 48 24
Lost 6/1/2005 Scrooter II walrus2106 121 179 188 60 33 27


The point is, if you`re not going to fight your gremlin, why even bother to put him out there?

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: All pansies

grandmaster stat (Competent) posted this on Friday, 7th January 2005, 14:21

The irony is that the new fight engine was designed to make refusing a less attractive option. I will still, as always, be accepting 100% of challenges.

RE: All pansies

dispater (Competent) posted this on Friday, 7th January 2005, 14:37

Hey i made it to #7 and #32 overall by loosing some 350+ out of my 500 matfches with Bob the 1st......

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: All pansies

Gooner_Tim (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 7th January 2005, 18:31

Dude, rather than worrying about those Gremlins below you refusing your challenges, why not just challenge those Gremlins higher than you - set yourself a challenge!

Stop trying to bully all the little Gremlins!!!!!!!

RE: All pansies

dispater (Competent) posted this on Friday, 7th January 2005, 21:29

Because they were the page above me in rankings at the time.

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: All pansies

GremofDoom (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 7th January 2005, 21:35

I challenge them above me, they take forever to even log into check their fights and by that freakin time, I have fought 8 fights and put more points in!!!! Log in and quit dinking around and maybe our fights would still be where they were challenged.. I am sooooo sick of pansy arse pukes refusing.. they are now going into my NEVER fight these arsewipes because THEY cost ME challenges. I was 2 pages below Bob the First and I think I still beat him 60pct of the time, correct me if I am wrong Dispater. So.. GROW UP AND PLAY the game instead of telling those of us who are in it to "quit whining"

"All Grems are created equal, but only their owners can make them GREAT!"

RE: All pansies

dispater (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 8th January 2005, 09:13

Might of been more like 70%, Bob the 1st had a miserable record. Son of Bob is actually almost back to even, something that has shocked me as I started out at 2-18. Many of those fights lost to players who had 50pts less than I back 1 day after start. Shame those gremlins who "took the chance" got loads of xp, yet people keep refusing saying "I can`t do it..."

Ah well, I guess we can say it over and over again, but some will come up with reasons as to why it doesn`t work, or think that the xp they give the other player will so affect them.

Realize, that if you think refusing will keep them closer, then you need to re-do the math. If I was to fight you and get 10xp to your 2, then there would be an 8pt difference. IF you refuse and I challenge some one closer, and get 15 or 20 xp, and since you refuse many fights, as I guess we`re all scary, that very well could be 15-20 "unanswered" xp compared to you, so I`m already doing 2x as well as you from just one possible fight.

Now on top of that, since other players know I NEVER refuse a fight, I get challenged more often. Some days i get to log on 5x, and if I don I almost always have a ful compliment of challenges, due to NEVER refusing a fight, so once again mathematically that`s 35 fights to maybe your 5-10, and even if I oly get 2xp per, that`s 70xp to your what?

Bob, my original gremlin had 561 fights. The next highest total fights in the top 50 of all time is 476, nearly 100 fights difference. I was a spanked gremlin, not sure why, just had bad luck, but still took all commers, and though only getting a couple of xp per, am still in the top 50 all time, with 352losses, which is more than some of the top 50 have fights.
The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: All pansies

grandmaster stat (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 8th January 2005, 10:21

Though I have never refused a fight and make 10 challenges every day I still have less than 300 fights to my name with only a day or two left to go :(

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