Page 1 of When a Gremlin dies, do unassigned points...

Gremlins Forum

When a Gremlin dies, do unassigned points...

VurtHed (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 4th January 2005, 17:11

...get added before the gremlin goes into Top 50, or get dropped? Cheers

This item was edited on Tuesday, 4th January 2005, 17:13

RE: When a Gremlin dies, do unassigned points...

bethyblue (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 4th January 2005, 17:12

Use them or lose them :D

RE: When a Gremlin dies, do unassigned points...

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 4th January 2005, 17:38

May add an option at a later date to carry them over to a new gremlin though. :)


"The Green Belt policy is a Labour Policy, and we intend to Build on it"
John Prescott

RE: When a Gremlin dies, do unassigned points...

VurtHed (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 4th January 2005, 17:59

Fain enough, but it struck me that:

say you`re No. 1 and you`re way ahead on XP and scaring off other gremlin`s - the XP you do manage to get will make you even more scary (BOO!!) to fight and less likely to get more fights. If you don`t assign them then you`ll stay closer to the pack, but if you die you won`t get your `true` place in the hall of fame!

RE: When a Gremlin dies, do unassigned points...

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 4th January 2005, 18:04

Maybe roll them over once so you get a bit of a head start and you can chalenge more active gremlins further up the table. You should not be able to roll over to a third grem. Only once from the grem befor it.

All the best,

The 42%er.

It`s not easy being different. It`s not easy being cool....but somehow I manage....

RE: When a Gremlin dies, do unassigned points...

bethyblue (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 4th January 2005, 20:18

Unless you teminate your gremlin, you only die at midnight when the league tables get updated, so if you are saving XP, just make sure that you spend it at 11.55pm once you`ve been a pensioner for more than a day or two.

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