Tried to watch this new last nite but the missus was sending text messages to her sister for the first 15 minutes and her phone beeps at every key press. Then my mam phoned and was on for about 20 minutes (something about a rat in the garden). It was like a conspiracy. Just wondering what was going on in the plane. Was the dodgy looking guy a hitman and what was the woman who blew the plane up.
Any brief synopsis would be much appreciated as the 2 uninterrupted minutes i did manage to see were quite good.
This item was edited on Monday, 4th March 2002, 03:20
The dodgy guy is probably dead by now - however the woman must be the `HITMAN` - why else would she get off the plane.
Thought the show showed plenty of promise, the woman on the plane is the hitman, but why have those lads kidnapped his daughter and the other girl? and what as the senator got to hide when he had the phone call? can`t wait to find out. I for one will be watching 24 till the end.
Just found out 24 is repeated on BBC CHOICE 10.30pm FRIDAY don`t miss it!!!!
yeah, the `dodgy` guy was chatting to the lass about his `photography`. hmmmmm suspicious...
then they have sex in the toilet. he falls asleep, she half-inchs his wallet then goes back, kills the air stewardess, blows up the plane :)
and it all kicked ass
i didn`t think the girls had been kidnapped?
i got the impression it was just `boys being boys` (ie. they go somewhere `special` in order to get into their knickers. again)
actually. maybe you`re right
I can`t believe Keifer Sutherland only lives 4 minutes drive from work, luck sod.
Ha! I live 2 seconds walk from work - I work from home!
I managed to miss most of this, too, due to small child insisting on playing games - and I`m not on sat/cable/whatever, so no repeat for me. Oh well.
Did you know that the new season of X Files (8th)
started on BBC2 after 24 last night.
Anybody advertise this? Did the BBC bother mentioning it?
I don`t think so.
24 was good though
I bet Kiefer Sutherland doesn`t take a dump for 24 hours
Thanks for the info it`s a little clearer now.