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Cyclist crash

strangest (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd September 2010, 17:58


Can anyone give me advice about this..... I was driving through Farnham town centre tonight when a young guy on a bike didnt look at the road and just walked out infront of us!!! Thankfully he was ok but he smashed the left mirror and casing. The trouble is its a work car and not sure if it can be claimed on the insurance? I took him name and number but was in a little shock so didnt get his address. Have looked on net to see if its possible to claim but cant fine anything :( We were only borrowing the car for a week as ours has died and wondering if its going to be worth just getting the work done ourselves ( to save hassle from boss ) or if it is possible to claim on insurance?
Would be very grateful for any advice :)

RE: Cyclist crash

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd September 2010, 19:45

Personally, I would have kept him there and called for the Police as in today`s climate I`d be paranoid about a later claim for "personal injury".

If he didn`t get any of your details (incl. Reg no) then probably nothing to worry about there but I think I`d be erring on the side of caution and mentioning it to my boss with the caveat that if it was going tocause any issues I`d happily pay for the damage myself.

Mirrors can be quite costly btw, depending on model and whether it`s electric/heated/colour coded etc.

Jimbo : oÞ

"Making Teenagers depressed is like shooting fish inna barrel"

RE: Cyclist crash

strangest (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd September 2010, 19:56

Thank you :)

RE: Cyclist crash

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd September 2010, 20:06

Sorry if it came across negative mate, I`ve learned from experience many years ago to insist on a Police prescence and insist everyone involved is breathalised if it`s cars.

If you wanna let me know the type of mirror I`ll see if I can find out a price for one for you (obvs if you`re nowhere near me you`d need to go somewhere local) that then would ballpark the costs for you and you could decide if it was too costly in the first place.

Jimbo : oÞ

"Making Teenagers depressed is like shooting fish inna barrel"

RE: Cyclist crash

strangest (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd September 2010, 20:48

thanks alot but hopefully work will sort it :) fingers crossed,

should have called the police but was in shock really and has never happened before.... thank god!

thanks again

RE: Cyclist crash

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Friday, 24th September 2010, 10:18

When I worked for an engineering firm many years ago I had a big crappy works van and it always got damaged. Scrapes dents, mirror loss, some through my fault due to hopeless reversing and hitting things I could not see behind me, like skips :D

I used to say to the boss, that it happened during my lunch break away from the van or the van was unattended while I was working on a site, and when I came back it had been hit and run damaged.

That way the boss had to claim company insurance, and not put the blame on me, although he was suspicious, he had no other option.

Served him right, as he was paying me lousy wages anyway. Those were the days, my friend !

RE: Cyclist crash

strangest (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 24th September 2010, 11:40

Thats what we are going to do now. I called the guy that walked infront of us lastnight to check he was ok. He said he was fine but a little worried as if work go to him for money... he wont be able to pay. He`s a student at uni and now has a new bike and phone to pay for from the damage!
Thanks for the advice :)

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