Page 1 of Sound problems - please help.

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Sound problems - please help.

MGS (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 9th January 2002, 17:53

I have a Pioneer 535 which has played everything I`ve ever tried on it. But this xmas I got The Mummy Returns & Jurassic Park 3 (R1). Both have got the same fault - the volume drops out when ever there is a loud scene on the film. Is it the player or the films? Everything else plays fine - Fast & the Furious, The Score, Star Wars E1 etc.

RE: Sound problems - please help.

emo (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 11th January 2002, 20:10

I have same problem.
Recently brought home canadian copies of
The Fast And The Furious
Titan AE
but the volume breaks up in loud sequences.
I have a region free Wharfedale 750s,
any ideas folks?
I am using a Sony surround sound processor

RE: Sound problems - please help.

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 11th January 2002, 22:13

Please read this thread and repost accordingly - Hardware Forum

Thanks for your co-operation

DVD Reviewer

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