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Todays R1 News - TV Guardian

Chris Cox (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 2nd November 2000, 19:09

Thought I`d start a thread following on from my news story in R1 news this evening about the language filter, TV Guardian...

What scene in a film would suffer most from use of this gadget!

I`ll start the ball rolling with the scene in Robocop where the bloke with the shotgun robbing a shop starts shooting at Robocop.

"f*** Me!, f*** Me!, f*** Me!, f*** Me!..." would become "Me Me Me Me!"

Obviously any scene with Joe Pesci in Casino would also be silent!

RE: Todays R1 News - TV Guardian

Rich Goodman (Admin) posted this on Thursday, 2nd November 2000, 19:19

I think Harry Enfield predicted the availability of a gadget like this with his "Badfellas" sketch in his second series on the BBC :-

"And now on BBC 2, Martin Scorcese`s Badfellas, which has been specially ruined for television"

"Did you fun my wife ?"

"No I didn`t fun your wife"

"Fun you, you muddy funster"

"Suck my cake, you cake-sucker"

"Suck my lozenge"

etc. etc. etc. etc.


RE: Todays R1 News - TV Guardian

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Friday, 3rd November 2000, 04:55

I think that scene from Robocop was already ruined on terrestrial TV some time ago. "Why me! Why me! Why me!" he shouts, whilst clearly mouthing, "f*** me!” Oh, and wasn`t it also Robocop that had "Forget you, melon picker!" (or something similar). They should have included the dub as a separate audio track on the Criterion release!

Any Tarantino movie would suffer greatly at the hands of this device. Just imagine this scene from Pulp Fiction.

Jules - "Sorry Jimmy, we don`t want to funk you shirt up."
Jimmy - "You don`t want to funk my shirt up? You`re funking my shirt up right now! But you`re goanna funk my shirt up BIG TIME if Bonnie comes home!"

"Kiss my aunt, you funking mother lovers!"

RE: Todays R1 News - TV Guardian

John Savage (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 3rd November 2000, 09:38

And my personal favourite from Beverly Hills Cop as shown on BBC1 many years ago when Eddie Murphy utters the immortal

`Bull dish`

in the strip club.


Melon farmers of the world unite!

Reed Richards (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 3rd November 2000, 10:45

The line was actually, `Flip you, melon farmer`. From Alex Cox`s Repo Man, and yes like you we thought it was the dubbed version but if memory serves it is in the original film. No dub, no edit. So we are left wondering as to what the melon farming community has ever done to Coxy or Emilio.

RE: Todays R1 News - TV Guardian

David Clegg (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 3rd November 2000, 23:47

Have you seen the "Making Of..." documentary on R1 Scarface?

There`s a brilliant bit when they talk about how they made a friendly version for US Network TV...

Where did you get that beauty scar tough guy, eating pussy?
Where did you get that beauty scar tough guy, eating pineapple?

This town is just like a great big pussy waiting to get f***ed
This town is like one great big chicken waiting to get plucked (?!!!)


Bitch! Lesbian!
Pig! Lamebrain!

RE: Todays R1 News - TV Guardian

Blazingmonga (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 4th November 2000, 00:22

Yeah. ITV always used to change "yippey kiyay mother f***er" from all the die hard films into "yippey kiyay kimosabe", I think.
Also I think casino and goodfellas would be silent for the whole film!
It would also probaly remove Joe Pesci from all the other scorcesie films just to be on the safe side, as hes a little bit of a scamp.
This box sounds like it will suck ass.
Speaking of dubbing/bad audio i cant seem to find any Jet Li films on DVD that arent dubbed into english and only dubbed. This p***ed me off royally as I was going to get the jet li collection but apparently it only has english dubbed for a soundtrack. Anyone know of any non dubbed jet li films on dvd?

This item was edited on Saturday, 4th November 2000, 00:36

RE: Todays R1 News - TV Guardian

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 4th November 2000, 02:14

Can`t help wondering if some enterprising bod could reverse engineer the thing so that it turns the Teletubbies into Tarantinos. Imagine the fun you could have watching Richard and Judy....

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