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Bank Refund Charges

hamshall (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 23rd September 2006, 07:33

hi all,
would just like to tell you all that the process involved to obtain your charges back is a straight foward process, about two weeks ago i had a total of 4200 pounds refunded back through my current account and also my credit card account, if would like further information visit this site,, remember it`s your money get it back.

RE: Bank Refund Charges

seached (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 23rd September 2006, 08:57

Or to avoid the charges, which are pretty high, you could ensure there is money in your account. Thus avoiding the charges

Hey you guy`s

RE: Bank Refund Charges

hamshall (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 23rd September 2006, 10:50

thanks for the reply, some people make mistakes, it`s rightfully your money, you can claim back six years worth of charges.

just trying to inform people that maybe hard up.

This item was edited on Saturday, 23rd September 2006, 11:50

RE: Bank Refund Charges

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 23rd September 2006, 18:55

What bank is this and did they let you keep your account open afterwards? I`ve read about some banks paying up but then closing the account - surely that could be a lot more hassle than it`s worth.


RE: Bank Refund Charges

hamshall (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 24th September 2006, 06:34

hi there,
mine was the halifax, once you get your money they also send out a letter confirming that they have paid you, in this letter it will state that if you let your account go into the red they have the right to close it, but this is already stated in the terms and conditions of any bank account, so nothing new there, the only bank i know that were closing accounts after paying back were the A&L bank, the whole process goes like this,

step 1, you ask for six years worth of statements.
step 2, once you`ve had your statements, go through them and total all your charges.
step 3, once you have a figure, send a letter o your bank giving them 14 days to pay you back.
step 4, before the 14 days are up they will send you a offer letter, about 25% of what you asked for.
step 5, now at this point if you ring them they will up that offer to about 60% over the phone, at this point it would be your choice if you accept this if not then step 6.
step 6, you send a goodwill gesture letter giving them a further seven days and if they do not pay up you will take them to court.
step 7, now some people get paid there money before this point others dont like me i had to pay 120 to open a court claim online about a week after doing this i`d won my money back, but once you take it to court you also claim 8% intrest on each charge.

if you visit the site a mentioned in my first post they supply all the letters.

oh and if your worried that they might close your account open a parachute account just in case, this way the money will be sent straight to your new account, but remember this is one of there scare tatics, it`s your money.

This item was edited on Sunday, 24th September 2006, 07:38

RE: Bank Refund Charges

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 24th September 2006, 07:08

the only bank i know that were closing accounts after paying back were the A&L bank

Hehe guess who I bank with. :)

No matter, they owe me *way* less than the £120 court fee anyway.

Interesting info though, I`ll definitely keep it in mind if anyone I know could find it useful.


RE: Bank Refund Charges

hunsbury0 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 24th September 2006, 08:55

Did youget the £120 back as they settled before the court hearing started?

RE: Bank Refund Charges

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 24th September 2006, 10:47

plenty of info HERE

Companies that have p**sed me off so much that I will never use them again and I hope you dont either....
Alloy Bodies of Manchester - The Grand Daddy & Benchmark for shockingly poor customer service.
Capital Bank Leasing who are part of BOS & are f**ing useless & struggle to action the smallest request but are fantastically efficient at taking money out of my account
Abbey National Absolutely diabolical service - how hard is it to change £60 of coins into notes????
....more coming soon no doubt.....

RE: Bank Refund Charges

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 24th September 2006, 11:07

You had £4200 worth of bank charges???? :o

Whenever I`ve been charged by banks or CC companies, I just dispute it and get it back. Got charged for a late CC payment the other day, called them up and complained, and they reversed it.

Giggity giggity!

RE: Bank Refund Charges

hamshall (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 24th September 2006, 11:28

i got the 120 back plus intrest, the 120 court fee i paid was because it was over a 1000, there`s different fees to pay depending on how much they owe you, some people have had over 10`000 refunded.

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