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Anyone Unfaithful?

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st September 2006, 15:03

Unfaithful to "us" on these forums that is.
This is my one and only. Does me more than fine.
Faithful to the end (along comes Fowler9 on that one).

This item was edited on Friday, 1st September 2006, 16:04

RE: Anyone Unfaithful?

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st September 2006, 15:06

used to be quite promiscuous me......used to have a natter on Avforums and was quite prevalent on MoneySavingExpert............cant be assed anymore......reviewer is my homepage & probably always will be ;)

Companies that have p**sed me off so much that I will never use them again and I hope you dont either....
Alloy Bodies of Manchester - The Grand Daddy & Benchmark for shockingly poor customer service.
Capital Bank Leasing who are part of BOS & are f**ing useless & struggle to action the smallest request but are fantastically efficient at taking money out of my account
Abbey National Absolutely diabolical service - how hard is it to change £60 of coins into notes????
....more coming soon no doubt.....

RE: Anyone Unfaithful?

Fowler9 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st September 2006, 15:06

Apart from the odd visit to a few private forums run by friends "for friends and family only" and DKUK`s forum on the ACC site, I only post here

And Bats - i;m coming on what now?


RE: Anyone Unfaithful?

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st September 2006, 15:10

And Bats - i;m coming on what now?

Possible innuendo in my line.

This item was edited on Friday, 1st September 2006, 16:18

RE: Anyone Unfaithful?

Fowler9 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st September 2006, 15:16

some days its like a horrible affliction, I just cant resist what are effectively "cheap knob gags" (of a fashion at least). Oh well what the hell!!


RE: Anyone Unfaithful?

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 1st September 2006, 15:19

I visit a few music and gaming forums. Am I a tart? :o


News Editor and Reviewer

Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way, turn...

And those who dance will spin and turn,
And those who wait will wait no more,
And those who talk will hear the words,
And those who see will fade and die,
And those who laugh will surely fall,
And those who know will always feel their backs against the thin wall...

RE: Anyone Unfaithful?

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st September 2006, 15:19

Same problem. Bought up on every "Carry On" film.
Drives people nuts (there lies another one).

RE: Anyone Unfaithful?

Fowler9 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st September 2006, 15:22

I dont do carry on films (knock yourself out) so I hae no idea why I have these days of just pure innuendo


RE: Anyone Unfaithful?

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st September 2006, 15:23

Blame the folks.
It is also quite "British".

This item was edited on Friday, 1st September 2006, 16:23

RE: Anyone Unfaithful?

Fowler9 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st September 2006, 15:24

cant blame the "olds" for influencing me I`m afraid. (oooh almost time to leave for home)


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