Page 1 of My Impressions Of Perth/Australia (If Interested)

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My Impressions Of Perth/Australia (If Interested)

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th July 2006, 00:07

The light. Silver and white light.
The beaches.
The way of life centered around leisure, perhaps too much.
Outside coffee bars. Semi-sophiscated café society.
Big Brother and Gretel the presenter.
Free(er) speech in the papers. Shocked at the blatant racism allowed though in the letters page of the newspapers.
The winter sunshine.
My entire family live there, plus my dear elderly Mum.
New houses have Home Cinema sections built in.
The best shop assistants I have ever come across. Kind, polite, helpful and non-aggressive.
Fremantle, the port. Very arty.
Impeccably clean and green streets.

Has high crime rate, especially murder and serial killers.
Chavs, though the name is unknown there.
Millions of huge houses built. Money can't buy you sophistication and taste. They are appalling, and everywhere.
Total ignorance of the aborigines needs.
Perth city council "planners". The city is a dump.
The vulgar PM John Howard. Seems to be in with Bush and Blair. Liar.
Too affluent.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder(s) on cleanliness, health, fitness, Australiana, foreigners, Muslims.
The winter monsoons that come.
No snow.
The Protestant Work Ethic reigns supreme.
Total disinterest in the world outside. Not ONE person asked me what I have been doing, what I have seen, etc. Not one! All they want to talk about is home/gardens/themselves/Perth/Australia.
The TV is possibly the worst in the world. Rubbish programs that always over run (don't set your VCR) and commercials every single ten minutes.
The flight there and back.
No smokers. No smoking anywhere.

This item was edited on Thursday, 20th July 2006, 11:57

RE: My Impressions Of Perth/Australia (If Interested)

Mikeonfreeserve (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th July 2006, 03:26

and Gretel the presenter

I think we need some pictorial evidence ;)

RE: My Impressions Of Perth/Australia (If Interested)

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th July 2006, 07:00

As requested.

This item was edited on Thursday, 20th July 2006, 08:06

RE: My Impressions Of Perth/Australia (If Interested)

cassius76 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th July 2006, 10:54

sounds like a great place to me!

The cons seem like pros even! .. most of them...

My DVD collection


This item was edited on Thursday, 20th July 2006, 11:54

RE: My Impressions Of Perth/Australia (If Interested)

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th July 2006, 11:17

Free(er) speech in the papers... blatant racism.

And that`s a pro?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder(s) on cleanliness, health, fitness, Australiana, foreigners, Muslims.


So I guess the cons outweigh the pros.


RE: My Impressions Of Perth/Australia (If Interested)

Stu UK (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th July 2006, 11:22

Bloody hell bat did you have a nice time or not lol....

This is said in jest but you are a whingy old queen at times but as I can say hand covering bottom (sorry bad pun) we all love ya.

Oh and welcome back

mmm chocolate

RE: My Impressions Of Perth/Australia (If Interested)

cassius76 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th July 2006, 11:35

well, I don`t read papers and take no interest in "TV politics" really, so The Cons listed, most of them. would pass me by...... apart from chavs....

Has high crime rate, especially murder and serial killers.

well, if you look hard enough.. most places have...

Chavs, though the name is unknown there.

damn.... as above

Millions of huge houses built. Money can't buy you sophistication and taste. They are appalling, and everywhere.

no problem with that one...

Total ignorance of the aborigines needs.

I`ve never been into conservation.. ;)

Perth city council "planners". The city is a dump.

gotta be better than Newport!!


no real problem there

The vulgar PM John Howard. Seems to be in with Bush and Blair. Liar.

no problem....

Too affluent.

er... no problem


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder(s) on cleanliness, health, fitness, Australiana, foreigners, Muslims.

same where I live....

The winter monsoons that come.

rains loads here..

No snow.

no problem!

The Protestant Work Ethic reigns supreme.

no idea what this is... but easily ignored!

Total disinterest in the world outside. Not ONE person asked me what I have been doing, what I have seen, etc. Not one! All they want to talk about is home/gardens/themselves/Perth/Australia.

same in Newport!

The TV is possibly the worst in the world. Rubbish programs that always over run (don't set your VCR) and commercials every single ten minutes.

praise be azureus!

The flight there and back.

ok.. good point.. I hate flying.......

No smokers. No smoking anywhere.

yay!!!!!! (non smoker )

My DVD collection


This item was edited on Thursday, 20th July 2006, 12:46

RE: My Impressions Of Perth/Australia (If Interested)

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th July 2006, 11:45

Free(er) speech in the papers... blatant racism.
And that`s a pro?

Tut tut Mr. Floyd, sir. Baiting already! Gimme a break. >:(
Edited down so it sounds completely different than I wrote. The word "shocked" (ie appalled) is missing.
Next ........

RE: My Impressions Of Perth/Australia (If Interested)

wingZero21 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 20th July 2006, 15:34

I have been to Perth, Australia and it is a beautiful place and freemantle port is a nice area to look around. I went on a boat from Perth City to Freemantle it was fantastic to see the city from the water, got some really nice photo`s I love the place!

RE: My Impressions Of Perth/Australia (If Interested)

Miles (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 20th July 2006, 16:14

A big con is the view that according to Tim Flannery in "The Weather Makers" its going to run out an adequate supply of fresh water within 5 years.

De-salination plants will produce approx 25% of the required amounts.

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