Page 1 of Superbit

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dicanio (Elite) posted this on Friday, 5th October 2001, 15:36

I was wondering how good is the quality of these dvds. Is it super amazing? Does it make it worthwile not having any extra features? What else is due to be released in superbit? I know Air Force One 5th Element Crouching Tiger and Desperado are out already. Is this just another money making scam by studios? Why not have a 2 disc set whereby 1 disc is superbit with just the main feature and the sound and another disc loaded with extras???????????

RE: Superbit

nelley (Elite) posted this on Friday, 5th October 2001, 15:43

Will try a copy of fifth element tonigt.Apparently it is not that much better
to justify the extra price.Remember you do not get any extras with it.
It will be interesting to see if the dts is uncompressed as in the dts laserdiscs.I will post a report on it in the next few days.

RE: Superbit

José Azevedo (Competent) posted this on Friday, 5th October 2001, 16:07


I doubt it will pay for it.
Seems to look more like a "well done" transfer than something out ot this world. Sound seems to gain more than video.

Above all it looks more like a marketing creation than a breakthrough technical innovation.

Check at for reviews on The Fifth Element and Air Force One on Superbit editions.


José Azevedo

RE: Superbit

Neon (Competent) posted this on Friday, 5th October 2001, 17:25

RE: Superbit

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Friday, 5th October 2001, 19:10

All reports that I`ve read so far seem to indicate that there`s very little difference over the original versions, except where the original was poorly encoded in the first place. The price premium is another issue, as is the lack of features. But you do have an option, features or premium quality disc (for a price).

As always, check out reviews and post comments in the forums!! I look forward to seeing reviews from you sometime soon!


RE: Superbit

nelley (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 6th October 2001, 12:14

Havng watched parts of the fifthe element there is a slight improvement
in quality.That is to be expected since duplication techniques have improved a lot over the years.The one thing that really stands out is the
dts soundtrack which is superb.They shouild release the disc
at the same time as the normal version but have a disc 2 with suplemental material.Probably drive the price up but o think it will sell.
The best transfer i have seen on any dvd so far is star wars phantom menace.Pity its not in DTS.

RE: Superbit

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 6th October 2001, 12:40


How about writing a review for this site? Click `Request a Disc` on the left and submit details of the disc (region and title), then write a review and submit when DVD Reviewer have added the title to the database.

It`ll be the first SuperBit title!


RE: Superbit

nelley (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 6th October 2001, 19:14

I have the whole superbit collection.Might not be a bad idea.God father collection is quite a good disc as well.About time as well.Although the packaging says dolby 5.1 its more of a dolby version 4 with not much
surround information.

RE: Superbit

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 6th October 2001, 19:53

nilesh how are you getting all these discs ages before everyone else?

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