General Forum


peter parker (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 18th October 2000, 23:29

so heres what i know, warner are starting to block us multiregion owners from watching there movies, so far its effected the perfect storm and the patriot.
i have heard that this block only works on players that are modified to play all regions and does not block those players that can be manually changed using the handset, is this true?
if so stop bitching about it and figure a way around the problem, some sad unemployed looser in a star treck uniform and plenty of time on there hands is bound to come up with the goods. ` no offence `


clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th October 2000, 00:04

The `thing` is Regional Coding Enhancement - where have you been for the last fortnight ? Unfortunately, like yourself, I mistakedly thought that remote-hackable machines won`t be affected. Seems they will be - see Wharfedale 750 for example.
The argument runs like this. Big Buck McWarnkers are getting a little tetchy that their oh-so-small profit magins are being eaten away by our fellow Far Eastern (oops - see below: hit the return button a bit quick there)

This item was edited on Thursday, 19th October 2000, 00:15


clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th October 2000, 00:04

The `thing` is Regional Coding Enhancement - where have you been for the last fortnight ? Unfortunately, like yourself, I mistakedly thought that remote-hackable machines won`t be affected. Seems they will be - see Wharfedale 750 for example.
The argument runs like this. Big Buck McWarnkers are getting a little tetchy that their oh-so-small profit magins are being eaten away by our fellow Far Eastern DVD fans buying in cheapo R1 discs, instead of inferior R2 ones.
Another forum, published an internal memo from the big nobs at WHV to their sales staff informing them to tell their customers (i.e. DVD suppliers) that all discs from The Patriot on would have the RCE thang installed. Early indications are that `popular` moddied brands such as Hitachi don`t like the cut of its jib and won`t play the discs. Not good news.
I`m a little perturbed that you think we`re "bitching" about it. I do actually think you`re mistaking us for people who give a damn. Let`s face it, WHV products are usually without exception crap. Minimal extras, varying goodies on R1 and R2. If the sole reason people import R1 WHV stuff is to boast that they`re the first on the block to own it, fair enough. Personally, I`d rather wait. At the nucleus of this whole RCE thing is the prickly issue of regional coding, which sucks ass big time, and we all know it. As for Far Eastern `budget` players, I keep my fingers crossed that the Wharfey is the exception rather than the rule. As for "doing something about it" - what do you propose, Mr Anarchist sir. Apart from a hari kiri set-fire-to-yourself-and-burst-into-WHV-headquarters gag, I really think the only thing to do is to hit them where it hurts. Who needs their lousy product anyway ? It won`t stop them running with RCE, cos they are Big Mammas in the industry. It also looks if good old Sony are following suit (Columbia/Tristar). Dark days...
But, on the bright side, Techtronics (definitely NOT nerds - they have made a difference to everyone who bought non-remote hackable machines) are bound to come up with a solution. As for us budget player owners - well I`m sure players will be down to about £50 by this time next year so we can have more fun experimenting. Rant over, time to insult Iron Duke...

This item was edited on Thursday, 19th October 2000, 00:26


Shaun (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 19th October 2000, 11:35

To add to the above dont forget other studio`s are looking very closly at RCE and will probably adopt it sooner rather than later. Even if companies like techtronics do find ways around it, the studio`s will still be obliged to their shareholders and distribution franchises to implement RCE so they can say they are doing all they can to protect the discs.

My supplier told me yesterday Universal are going to start using it.

Plus IF they carry it over to R2 you will be completly shagged.



clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th October 2000, 12:22

Cheers, Shaun, that`s cheered us all up, and no mistake...The whole lot of `em can rot in hell. You hit the nail on the head when you say the studios are doing little more than appease their greedy tycoon shareholders so that they can dredge yet more money out of us little folk. Worse case scenario - so we can only play R2 software. P`raps it`ll encourage me to start going to the pictures again....Nah, doubt it. What do other people think ?


Shaun (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 19th October 2000, 12:53

Your not happy clayts...I just payed £22.99 for a coaster with a picture of Mel Gibson on it. : )


David Clegg (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 19th October 2000, 12:58

I`m just glad I`m going to be okay with a remote hacked Samsung 709 (ort at least it seems that way).

I couldn`t survive on R2 only, and as for starting to go back to the pictures, jeez Clayts, you must be made of money! what is it nowadays? About £5 to get in, £2 for a bucket of ice with a trace of pepsi, £1 for a spoonful of ice cream. Normally rounded off with a large room full of noisy twats, yep, that`s the kind of enterntainment I`d like to pay for.

If there is a group of you planning on seeing something at the cinema it nortmally works out cheaper to buy it on R1 DVD, get the beers in and watch it in front of the big telly at home.


clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th October 2000, 13:02

Actually I`d go to the soon to be shut down Nottingham Odeon rather than one of these massive no-personality mutiplex jobs. Take your point about watching it at home, it may have saved my total (albeit slightly drunk) embarrassment when I started giggling uncontrollably during an inappropriate scene in Clockwork Orange. I`d miss the Pathe News reels tho`...


peter parker (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 19th October 2000, 18:38

ok then then thanks for that ( i think )
lets talk about options, maybe were all going to have to fork out for both an american player and a european one, or maybe we should start listing the players and hacks that are not being effected,
and for the last fortnight i have been in florida buying plenty of cheap movies, fortunately none of them are coaster material.


clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th October 2000, 19:04

Peter (or can I call you Spiderman). Suggest if you want the lowdown on this you check as they are the best in the biz. Similarly you could check another DVD forum where this very thang has been talked about for the last three weeks or so. Sorry about the Spiderman joke - don`t suppose you`ve ever heard that one before...

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