Page 1 of Racism, Biggotry, Hatred,....what has this forum become?...

General Forum

Racism, Biggotry, Hatred,....what has this forum become?...

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th September 2001, 00:03

Having been away from my PC for the last week...I am shocked to see how this DVD forum has degenerated into an UNMODERATED mess...

"We WILL NOT tolerate abuse, excessive flaming, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, or distasteful language"....

Feelings are running strong and we need a strong voice to guide us......this is as relevent in the outside world as it is in the your job!

RE: Racism, Biggotry, Hatred,....what has this forum become?...

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th September 2001, 00:16

yes i agree. This is meant to be a dvd forum but instead its become heated forums about racism and all the other things. People are being accused of being terrorists, racists, everything. Before all this, everyone was really friendly in the forums. Now there are heated arguments. I say close down all the threads to do with last tuesdays events, creating and leaving maybe one open where people can express their grief and sorrows and nothing else.

RE: Racism, Biggotry, Hatred,....what has this forum become?...

clayts (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th September 2001, 00:33

People naturally are very upset and angry about Tuesday`s events.

The General Forum is, after all, an area where people can go off-topic and talk about non-DVD related subject matters.

I`m sorry if some of the postings have offended you. Rest assured both myself and Dan have done as much as we can to keep people in line, whilst allowing some free reign.

However, it`s a consensual forum. If the consensus is that postings of this nature should stop, then so be it.

All of you are most welcome to post your opinions.


RE: Racism, Biggotry, Hatred,....what has this forum become?...

lard (Competent) posted this on Monday, 17th September 2001, 00:51

FWIW this forum is no different to thousands of others around the world in its reaction to the events, not to mention chat rooms, newsgroups and even question time. People just need time to come to terms with things.

RE: Racism, Biggotry, Hatred,....what has this forum become?...

HappyExHitachi505Owner ;-) (Competent) posted this on Monday, 17th September 2001, 03:15

I hope no one is pointing a bigoted, racist accusative finger in my direction! If your comments don’t apply to me HaGGis, read no more.

Then they do!

Apart from the odd sheep joke (slapped down for by the ever vigilant Clayts. Curses), I have been on my best behaviour.

The Mod`s have behaved impeccably as always, allowing freedom-of-speech and new-age thinking to go unchallenged and uncensored.
Yes new-age! - Speaking from the heart.

If any racist, homophobic etc etc language or sentiments have been voiced here, then it is your duty to inform the relevant authorities.
Either that or stand as an MP and change the laws of this land to your liking.

You weren’t specific, concerning your grudge(s), so I don’t know whether you are serious or just had a bad day at work!

I for one think Political Correctness and vacuous gesturing make people look so foolish. If you dont like something just say it.

This item was edited on Monday, 17th September 2001, 04:47

RE: Racism, Biggotry, Hatred,....what has this forum become?...

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Monday, 17th September 2001, 09:49


I think that`s an unfair comment. There is no way that the `General` Forum isn`t going to discuss these issues this week - they kind of transcend DVD don`t you think ?

This forum is NOT going to become some restricted Police State, where Clayts and I decide what people can or cannot say. We try to assert the rules that we have created, but that must be done with a subjective point of view. There are plenty of Forums around the net (not mentioning any names) that have become dead, sanitised places reminiscent of Dictatorships by the Moderators by the imposition of personal ideas and massive collections of detailed rules. We try to treat people as adults here, with just a modicum of common sense. I`m not wild about political correctness gone mad.

Believe me, we HAVE been controlling what`s going on, but we are NOT going to prevent discussion of these very important issues.

As Clayts pointed out - if YOU have a problem with a particular post, then email us at srotaredom[at]ku.oc.reweiver and we`ll deal with it.


This item was edited on Monday, 17th September 2001, 10:03

RE: Racism, Biggotry, Hatred,....what has this forum become?...

shnozzer (Competent) posted this on Monday, 17th September 2001, 11:38

well haggis,i`m not biggoted,racist,sexist,cathlocicest,jockest,welshest,paddyeast, nor anything else.

i hate everybody equally.

and if you look around the world at any kind or type of media,its all the same.full of sorrow and disgust.

its just a pity it took an incident of this magnitude to draw nations together in the war against terrorism.and i hope it does`nt stop there.there are all kinds of tyranny in this world that need our prompt attention,from the recent events to the sierra leon where rebels are hacking off childrens limbs so they cannot oppose them as they get older.

i would like to see a complete end to all troubles and even hope the likes of nike,addidas etc get the long time come uppence in their tyranny with indonesion children and others in sweat shops.

jeez,never realised there was a student in me.

power to the people


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