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Anyone recommend a decent sub £60 digital camera?

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 11th April 2006, 14:29

There isn`t a digital camera forum, so this seemed as good a place as any...

We`re looking to get a cheap camera to take with us when we go and visit our neice in London, and for taking the odd snapshot now and again. Obviously digital is easier for storage and manipulation, but we don`t want to spend a fortune on something we won`t use often.

We`ve seen a few five megapixel jobs floating around on sale in various places (Woolies and one of the big chemists), but it`s been so long since I bought one I haven`t got a clue anymore. I`m sure whatever we get will be a lot better than my clapped out old Kodak DC210.

Obviously the higher the resolution the better, and I have a spare 128MB SD card knocking about so that`s probably the best storage medium for it to support. Not sure if we should be worried about digital/optical zoom etc, but battery life is an issue, as the DC210 needed four AA batteries and lasted for about five seconds. I`m hoping things have improved, but if not it would be good if it had a rechargable internal power cell.

Don`t want much, do I? Anyway, any pointers appreciated. If you can recommended any suppliers that would also be great. Cheers.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 11th April 2006, 15:29

RE: Anyone recommend a decent sub £60 digital camera?

Nick Shepherd (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 11th April 2006, 14:33

Take a look at

always helps me out....

This item was edited on Tuesday, 11th April 2006, 15:32

RE: Anyone recommend a decent sub £60 digital camera?

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 11th April 2006, 15:33

Cheers. I was looking at the Vivitar 5383 that was on offer last week at Superdrug, but I think I missed it. Now I`m trying to find something with a similar spec.

RE: Anyone recommend a decent sub £60 digital camera?

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 11th April 2006, 15:49

I have been told (by a few real camera snobs, so take it with a pinch of salt ;)) that you are better off taking photos on a decent camera phone than a cheap digital camera.

So if youve got one, might be worth investing your money in a bigger memory card, rather than a camera.

If not, ignore me ;)

What im listening to (if youre interested)

RE: Anyone recommend a decent sub £60 digital camera?

Nick Shepherd (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 11th April 2006, 15:55

I have been told (by a few real camera snobs, so take it with a pinch of salt ) that you are better off taking photos on a decent camera phone than a cheap digital camera

Thats interesting. You would think that the fact that a Camera lens will let in more light than a phone lens, there is no way a digi camera could be worse?

RE: Anyone recommend a decent sub £60 digital camera?

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 11th April 2006, 16:06

I think their general point was that really cheap (sub £60) digicams were of negligable difference.

If you take, say a sony k750i, with a 2mp camera, the constituant parts in that will inevitably kick the arse of a cheap digicam (especially the lens, which on a cheap digicam will be made of plastic) and produce a better image. I mean, my old 6230i was only 1 (1.3? i forget) megapixel and there is negligable difference between that and a cheap camera my brother had (oregon scientific, i believe) with a supposedly higher resolution.

Obviously, a reasonable camera phone isnt cheap, but if youve already got one i think the general concencus (among camera boffins) is that it isnt worth getting a cheap camera to complement it.

Its a shame my boss isnt in today as he comes into work most days with stuff that would make david bailey jealous and this is one of his specialist subjects.

What im listening to (if youre interested)

This item was edited on Tuesday, 11th April 2006, 17:08

RE: Anyone recommend a decent sub £60 digital camera?

girders (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 11th April 2006, 16:10

I`d definitely go for a camera rather than a phone, and make optical zoom a priority.
If you won`t use it too much what about a refurbished one direct from Fuji?

In particular the A210 (£40), A310 (£50) or A330 (£58) all of which have at least 3 megapixels and 3x optical zoom. Only downside is that they use xd memory cards which aren`t available as cheaply as some others. Batteries are AA but it`s cheap enough to pick up a set of re-chargeables & charger.

RE: Anyone recommend a decent sub £60 digital camera?

retrogeezer (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 11th April 2006, 16:36

If you live anywhere near me in Farnborough/Hants I have a digital camera you can borrow.

why take life so seriously..its not like you are going to make it out alive

RE: Anyone recommend a decent sub £60 digital camera?

Paull (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 11th April 2006, 17:00

Chris, I believe there is a `Fuji` site that sells refurbished cameras, it must be possible to buy a good secondhand camera for that price. The new ones I`ve seen at the price you ask for never get good reports.

RE: Anyone recommend a decent sub £60 digital camera?

Paull (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 11th April 2006, 17:04

I noticed this Kodak at less than £60-00


Some cheap camera`s here

This item was edited on Tuesday, 11th April 2006, 18:11

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