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Tattoo suggestions wanted

Sminty (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 6th April 2006, 09:50

Hey … I am thinking of getting a tattoo on my bottom of my wrist (where you can see the veins side), but I am not sure what to get yet.

Anyone got any good suggestions?

RE: Tattoo suggestions wanted

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 6th April 2006, 10:02

Something small and fairly basic so that it doesn`t overwhelm your wrist.

^ what I would do, I quite like that spot for a tattoo if I ever got one (too chicken cos I know I`m very fickle! :D), it would make you happy and smiley every time it caught your eye. :D

Maybe little star(s)?


RE: Tattoo suggestions wanted

The Jackal (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 6th April 2006, 10:24

Make sure it's a tat that means something to you. Don't fall into the "Fashion" trap. I know quite a few people who have had tats that they regret and ended up having them covered up cos it was "cool at the time"

The Jackal

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RE: Tattoo suggestions wanted

Stu UK (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 6th April 2006, 10:31

what about

-----cut here-------

Stu is ace

oh bugger I forgot my watch again

pin number :D

mmm chocolate

RE: Tattoo suggestions wanted

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 6th April 2006, 10:32


-----cut here-------

*Tut*, you wanna go down the road, not across the street! :D


RE: Tattoo suggestions wanted

julianf (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 6th April 2006, 10:36

I`ve got one there - it really hurt :D


RE: Tattoo suggestions wanted

Sminty (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 6th April 2006, 10:41

too chicken cos I know I`m very fickle!

I wanted one there for a while but cant make up my mind on what for the same reason :( .

-----cut here-------

Lol …that is good one… but I want something less depressing.

I`ve got one there - it really hurt

:( Ooo not what i wanted to hear :/

RE: Tattoo suggestions wanted

julianf (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 6th April 2006, 10:42

No pain no gain :D


RE: Tattoo suggestions wanted

The Jackal (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 6th April 2006, 11:00

How about a barcode?

The Jackal

Visit Chainsaw Films
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Confucius say
"Man who go to bed with sex problem on mind,
Wake up with solution in hand"

This item was edited on Thursday, 6th April 2006, 12:11

RE: Tattoo suggestions wanted

Sminty (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 6th April 2006, 11:00

I`ve got one there - it really hurt

What tattoo do you have then? do you have a pic of it?

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