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Climate Change computer prog

Sue Davies (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 19th March 2006, 15:49

You might have heard of this-similar to the United Devices cancer-cure deal but is about calculating the rate of climate change. So if you are not already doing the UD thing you could trry this. The BBC has helped set this up(there was a v. interesting prog on recently about this)

A friend our`s niece has a team you can join and help her and the planet out-here

Create an account through this then install the program clicking existing users and just put in your email address and password. You can find more information here! then install the program clicking existing users and just put in your email address and password. You can find more information here!

Many thanks to all you Greenies

Sue Davies

:) News Editor and Site Reviewer
DVD Reviewer

This item was edited on Sunday, 19th March 2006, 15:51

RE: Climate Change computer prog

inkitin (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 19th March 2006, 17:24

I`ve been taking part in this Climate Change experiment for about a month now and will probably be doing so for the next few months.

If you decide to take part PLEASE read the message board on how to backup your experiment. It isn`t difficult and may well save you a lot of frustration. A number of participants have run the experiment for some days, even weeks, only to find that their experiment has reset itself to year zero (1920), no backup and all data lost.

With a backup (I do one each day now), if this does happen you can restore your experiment to the point it was at when you did your backup and it will pick up from there.

Good luck if any of you decide to take part.

RE: Climate Change computer prog

Zovirax (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th March 2006, 00:37

Climate Change has been going on now for about 4.5 billion years. :/

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