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Help please!

RAMMY007 (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 25th October 2005, 21:59

Is there anyone who knows about legal stuff its just that i wondered what this person would be guilty of with this scenario,this is not me or my family but a person who we also have been victims of,
The person 1 attacks another person 2 and person 2 ends up in hospital with surgery,then person 1 continues to harrass and kill and causes damage to person 2s property ,person 2 is so scared that they kill themself,person 1 is arrested any ideas what they will be charged with ?

RE: Help please!

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 25th October 2005, 22:05

For them to be charged with anything, You`d have to prove that person one was directly responsible of harassing person 2 to such an extent that they`d feel they had to take their own life. By proof I mean documentary evidence (taped phone calls, threatening mail, police records of the initial assault etc). Even with said evidence, the harshest thing they`d get is manslaughter.

Sounds like a nasty state of affairs there mate

PS, how`s your son after his incident in July?
Been nowhere
Done Nothing
Stole the T-shirt

My Collection

This item was edited on Tuesday, 25th October 2005, 23:08

RE: Help please!

RAMMY007 (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 25th October 2005, 22:13

Yes,they know for definate person 1 attacked person 2 and was already being investigated also person 1 has admitted the criminal damage and person 2 left a suicide note outlining it all,i wondered whether it would be classed as manslaughter ,obviously i cant go into major detail but i hope justice will be done for person 2,as me and my family have been victims to this persons bullying and harassment
Thanks for asking about my son hes ok,although he cannot play any sport until beg of november and he has lost his place in his football team thanks again for your concern,oh and the lad got a 6 day exclusion from school and a caution off the police.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 25th October 2005, 23:16

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