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Criterion discs - what`s so special

kileer (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 4th August 2001, 19:19

I know a lot of people hold Criterion DVDs in high regard and always want more but why? What`s so special about Criterion DVDs?

RE: Criterion discs - what`s so special

Maxknight007 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 4th August 2001, 19:26

You know, I have no idea.

Max Knight

RE: Criterion discs - what`s so special

clayts (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 4th August 2001, 23:09

This question pops up from time to time, so it`s worth doing a search. However, here`s the most recent thread :

Hope this helps ;-)

RE: Criterion discs - what`s so special

José Azevedo (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 5th August 2001, 00:22

These editions are of higher quality than "standard" ones. They do new transfers, clean it, do the best possible to improve sound and dig extras you never knew existed.
Those looking for top video, audio and exclusive extras should always take a look at available Criterion Editions before buying the "standard" one.
The studios have noticed the interest on it and started offering "special editions" full featured, with better transfers and audio.


José Azevedo

RE: Criterion discs - what`s so special

Tony Vado (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 5th August 2001, 14:52

They`re not as special as people like to make out and several of the high profile discs are non-anamorphic! (hardly cutting edge). Robocop for instance, it only has a Dolby Surround audio track and a fairly un-impressive 1.66:1 transfer (non-anam). The extras on the disc are mainly text based and a chore to navigate. So, maybe people just like the brand name, as Anchor-Bay do a much better job of upgrading old releases. They pay for re-mastering of the A/V too and the extra stuff is always worthwhile, wheras Criterion just locate an "acceptable" master and slap it on a disc with whatever audio is available. If it`s a new film (Armageddon/Rock), then DTS sound can be easily found, but requires no great effort on their part and they`re just cashing in on th laziness of the original distributors. Anchor-Bay are the true kings of re-issues (IMO anyway!).

RE: Criterion discs - what`s so special

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 5th August 2001, 17:37

hmmmm....youv`e never seen Brazil or Life of Brian? any case Robocop was released a good few years ago so before DTS was widely it was "cutting edge" for its time...

Robocop is only one of large back catalogue of releases from Criterion.......... so why judge a company on one disc?...or are the others too cerebral for you?

RE: Criterion discs - what`s so special

Tony Vado (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 5th August 2001, 18:17

I`d hardly call Life of Brian cerebral!, anyway you mis-interpreted my post. I`m not trying to insult Criterion discs as such, just highlight the fact that they aren`t as "special" as some would have us believe. So I obviously used a less impressive release to convey Criterion`s im-perfections. The point is, even their best releases are only equal (at best) to more official discs (Gladiator etc) and to regard them as "The Special Edition Champions" (as many do), is highly inappropriate considering their hit & miss nature. Like I said, Anchor-Bay try and IMPROVE/RE-MASTER discs as best they can (THX usually), but Criterion have always had a carefree attitude regarding anamorphic transfers and didn`t upgrade DSurround to proper 5.1 tracks. Apparently the new Withnail & I isn`t anamorphic either, so that probably illustrates the point a little better.

RE: Criterion discs - what`s so special

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 5th August 2001, 19:07

hmmm...i`m not gonna start a flame war over this can you say that a briliiantly, satirical film that deals with existentialism and religious hypocrisy on many levels is not cerebral?...or do you just see the slapstick?

This item was edited on Sunday, 5th August 2001, 19:08

RE: Criterion discs - what`s so special

Tony Vado (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 5th August 2001, 19:36

It`s only a flame war when there are personal attacks aimed at another contributor and it was you (Haggis) that stopped talking about Criterion and instead chose to insinuate that I lack taste and that some films are too "cerebral" for me. Whether I just see the slapstick in Life of Brian or not, doesn`t address the issue of Criterion`s ill-deserved reputation.

As that`s the topic of the thread, I`d prefer it if we posted about that, rather than my opinion of a particular film. Like you said, there is a hint of a flame-war surrounding these exchanges, so instead of claiming that you`re attacking me (and my opinions), I`ll just leave things as they are and let people draw their own conclusions. Hopefully other people have their own views on Criterion discs and can develop the subject more respectfully.

RE: Criterion discs - what`s so special

rockysafc (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 5th August 2001, 19:47

Fight! Fight! Fight!

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