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Advice from others who`ve had wisdom teeth out

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 27th August 2005, 15:05

I went in to have my bottom left wisdom tooth out on Wednesday, with the possibility of having the top two done at the same time. While I was there the dentist said it was worth having them all out while I was under general, so I went for it.

Now we`re three days on and I have no feeling in the right half of my tongue. Now I know that there is a possibility of nerve damage when taking the bottom teeth out, but I also know that this can either be temporary or permanent.

I`m not panicking massively at the moment, but it would be nice to hear from others who`ve had it done. Did you have any temporary numbness afterwards? How long did it last? Have you fully recovered? I`ll kick myself if it is permanent, as my own dentist said that the bottom right tooth didn`t really need to come out. It`s only while I was there that the - admittedly very lovely - young dentist advised me to do it.

I did `wake up` a bit when they were taking that one out, and I remember that they had a lot of problems with it (both bottom teeth were impacted and have been giving me trouble for over a decade).

My mouth is cut to buggery at the moment, especially the insides of the cheeks, and there`sa lump on my tongue like it`s been bitten or nicked. Guess either they did it, or I could have in my sleep. It`s not the best experience in the world, and I still feel a bit light headed.

RE: Advice from others who`ve had wisdom teeth out

Stu UK (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 27th August 2005, 15:40

:o That pretty young girly dentist would be the trainee medical student sent in to disarm you into letting her practice on you Chris.

? Does your chest hurt? , as they often have to kneel on your chest to get the lower wisdom teeth out.

I had mind out under local, it took 1 1/2 hrs of drilling and crunching and still left a bit of the root in as it was to near the nerve, but it was worth it. I had fantom pain for around 6 monthes as the jaw grew over the root but now all is fine.

I suspect that the lump in your tongue is tissue damage either from the instruments or you chewing it during recovery both very common.

Hope all goes well as it takes time and lots of salty mouth washes....

mmm chocolate

RE: Advice from others who`ve had wisdom teeth out

gary white (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 27th August 2005, 15:43

I had an impacted wisdom tooth removed in Bournemouth Hospital a few years ago.

As you say there is the chance that the nerve may be damaged.

I also had numbness / no feeling afterwards, and I am sorry to say that in my case
it was quite a few months before I had full, normal feeling back, but as I say it did get back to normal, and yes fully recovered. :)

Hope this helps

Good luck Chris

RE: Advice from others who`ve had wisdom teeth out

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 27th August 2005, 15:50

Cheers. The more experiences people post the better. I reckon I did chew the tongue, as well as the insides of my cheeks. They are cut to pices and I woke up with blood all over the bed the next morning. Nice.

I don`t really remember three of them coming out, but the last one was a bitch. i actually had to make them stop as it was `hurting`. They did explain the risks, but it still doesn`t make it any less freaky when it happens. Guess I`ll have to wait untilt he swelling has gone down properly before I can really tell. I`ve had a bit of a week what with one thing or another...

RE: Advice from others who`ve had wisdom teeth out

PAULH (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 27th August 2005, 15:54

When I had mine out it took it took over a week for things to start to heal and feeling to come back. What worried me the most is when I got home I found my underpants were on the wrong way round. (Old dentist joke)

RE: Advice from others who`ve had wisdom teeth out

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 27th August 2005, 16:15

Considering how lovely all the women were at this dentists, that would have been a good thing! It was like the Carling dentist or something.

RE: Advice from others who`ve had wisdom teeth out

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 27th August 2005, 16:17

I have had the drill accidentally burn my tongue once, and sounds very similar to how your tongue is.
I have had my wisdom teeth out but was so long ago I can`t remember if there was any after effect.
The day after any dental work I always use a little salt in warm water. It helps if there are any infections and speeds up the healing process.

RE: Advice from others who`ve had wisdom teeth out

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 27th August 2005, 16:22

i`ve had all my wisdom teeth out (not at the same time tho) & had the general anasthetic every time, the last one was the worst, it had impacted, collapsed & had an abses underneath it, usually they would give you anti-biotics to get rid of the abses before they operate but it didn`t respond so they just put me under & cut the tooth out & drained the hole that the abses left then sowed a bit of my cheek over the hole :¦ but no, i never had any numbness etc (apart from the painkillers) but they did warn me about nerve damage etc, i hope evrything goes back to normal for you asap :)

general nobody @ known as Chris Ogden

RE: Advice from others who`ve had wisdom teeth out

Linebacker2 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 27th August 2005, 16:38

Thanks everyone, nice thread :(

I`m waiting for an appointment in Bristol to have a lower wisdom tooth and another abscessed tooth two away from it removed. My dentist said that I`ll be sedated (not general) for the work to be done (but I shouldn`t remember anything - I hope :o ).

I feel so much better after reading your horror stories, bringing back memories of when I was a kid and comming around in the middle of an extraction ;)


If only I`d listened to what my parents told me............

RE: Advice from others who`ve had wisdom teeth out

Robert Terwilliger (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 27th August 2005, 16:44

I must be one of the lucky ones..... I had both my top wisdom teeth out last year (a month apart) with just the regular local anesthetic and both out with ease, in and out of the dentists both times in about half an hour. The worst part by far was the injections, the one in the roof of my mouth was a killer (:¦. I did however have a very sore jaw the second time around due to it being a bugger to get out..and it bled for ages afterwards (a good few hours before I could take the gauze/padding out that I was biting on) Ive never had a general at the dentists so I cant say Ive ever had any of the symptoms you have although I assume the injections I had were way stronger than usual as one side of my face, my tongue and my neck were numb for hours afterwards..and I bit my tongue loads before it wore off lol

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