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Nothing to do with DVD

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th July 2001, 12:32

I know this has nothing to do with DVD. But Lord Archer has just been found guilty and is off to the scrubs no doubt.

How happy am I.

All the best,


ps: Perveting the course of justice can get you life you know.

This item was edited on Thursday, 19th July 2001, 12:41

RE: Nothing to do with DVD

Westy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th July 2001, 13:28

ah,Mr Bruce.

What great news,that`ll teach him the filthy beggar.

Do you agree that all politicians are idiots?(new thread! :-) )


RE: Nothing to do with DVD

Westy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th July 2001, 13:33

Talking of politics,can you believe that Gordon Browns missus is expecting a baby?
I mean any creation of life is great,but can you imagine ANY woman wanting to sleep him?let alone his wife!

He must be one of the most stupid men alive(behind Jeffrey Archer),never mind a baby-GIVE US SOME DECENT ROADS AND TRANSPORT!!!!!


RE: Nothing to do with DVD

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th July 2001, 16:54

No davey I don`t think all politicians are idiots. Take my local MP and upstanding member of the comunity Keith Vaz. Does all sorts of dodgey stuff and gets away with it. He must be a very clever man.


ps: Any above comments are made only in jest and ther is no truth in them what so ever. (upstanding member of the comunity that is)

The above comments are that of Andrew Bruce only and have no conection to any company.

Also in the interests of balance all MP`s are dodgy.

pps: Please see above disclamers.

RE: Nothing to do with DVD

RJS (undefined) posted this on Thursday, 19th July 2001, 17:06

Well at least Gordon Brown doesn`t look like he married his mother. :)

Or am I the only one that thinks this about Kenneth Clarke.

RE: Nothing to do with DVD

Westy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th July 2001, 17:33

Just look at Tony Blair,he knocked up three kids out of a Klingon!
now thats the stuff of legends... :-)


RE: Nothing to do with DVD

Johnboy (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 19th July 2001, 17:33

Surely I can`t be the only one to think that Ffffion Hague is way too attractive to be a politicians wife??
I know she`s not exactly a supermodel, but I would.

RE: Nothing to do with DVD

Mark Turner (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 19th July 2001, 17:38


And just when Jeffrey thinks his day can`t get any worse, he gets landed with a writ from the Daily Star seeking repayment of the £500,000 which it paid him in the original libel action, plus costs and interest, totalling a cool £2.2M.

Couldn`t happen to a nicer bloke.

RE: Nothing to do with DVD

Westy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th July 2001, 17:39

Just to p*** William off cos hes an idiot(like the rest of `em),i wouldnt kick her out of bed for farting.
How on earth did he manage to pull her?
He must have all the charisma of a demented lounge lizard,and he still managed to marry her-emotional blackmail,had to be...

RE: Nothing to do with DVD

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th July 2001, 17:50

I don`t think just because someone is in the public gaze they should be excused the correct sentence. Well done to the judge who passed down this sentence.

For too long `public people` get the proverbial slap on the wrist and told not to do it again whilst Joe Public feels the true wrath of a judge who lost his round of golf in the morning when a jury finds against them.

I`m delighted that the perjurious Archer has been stuck behind bars. Of course, as one of my colleagues mentioned earlier today, this does mean that his literary fans can expect at least 20 novels whilst he`s doing bird.

And I bet he doesn`t have to perform cleaning duties to gain his privileges.

When you get a result like this it makes you realise that, despite its quirks, the British legal system can occasionally pull off a great one like this. Made my day (large scale "Woo-hoo" down the office this afternoon) anyway :-)

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