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Advise needed please!

RAMMY007 (Competent) posted this on Monday, 11th July 2005, 22:20

got home from work today and my other half had spent the afternoon at the hospital with our thirteen-year old,some little sh*t had slammed him to the ground deliberately,and he now has a fractured collar bone and is in a lot of pain,no sport for at least 6 weeks(so he cant go out and play football and the 6 weeks hols are on us soon)the school are useless and i was wondering what sort of action you think shold be taken against this lad who did it to him.

RE: Advise needed please!

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Monday, 11th July 2005, 22:24

thats a tough one.....

first of all sorry to hear about yr son - hope he gets well soon

my heart would tell me to go and beat the crap out of the other kid but my head would tell me to go and talk to the other kids parents/report it the the end of the day ABH is still ABH no matter what age you are........ :o


This item was edited on Monday, 11th July 2005, 23:27

RE: Advise needed please!

RAMMY007 (Competent) posted this on Monday, 11th July 2005, 22:35

I thought that as well,it wasnt as if it was a few scratches and it is going to really affect everything he does over the next few weeks especially no sport,its a good job we werent going away,i am a bit dubious about speaking to the parent cos if they are the sort that dont give a sh*t its a waste of time,we have got to go back to the fracture clinic next monday,i know that accidents can happen(but this was deliberate)and i dont want to be overactive but these sorts of kids need sorting out and made an example of(you can see the muddy slam mark on his shoulder of his shirt)

This item was edited on Monday, 11th July 2005, 23:39

RE: Advise needed please!

DazMack1979 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 11th July 2005, 23:06

Sorry to hear that mate, hope your young `un is up and about soon!

Its a difficult situation like you said. If the parents don`t want to know / can`t be arsed then thats a damn shame - my suggestion would be to talk to them regardless.

Explain the situation and see how they react. If they genuinely listen and are prepared to do something as you hope then thats fine, leave them to it. If they tell you where to go then I would suggest going straight to the police and making a complaint, teach the little bastard a lesson.

of course, you COULD wait and follow the kid next time he`s out, give him a hiding yourself but I wouldn`t recommend it

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RE: Advise needed please!

penzance (Competent) posted this on Monday, 11th July 2005, 23:19

It sickens me when children are acting like vicious, malicious hooligans! Just recently walking down the street on the way to the cinema we saw a little kid in his pram with its mother drunk as fart shouting out loud with two men with beer cans in their hands murmurring some rubbish! No wonder these kids are constantly in the news with parents like that as role models! >:(

Anyways back to point. Talking to his parents would probably just cause a continuing dispute, as they will no doubt protect their innocent little baby >:( . I would personally go straight to the authorities, this type of thing is out of order and if the kid is smashing people to the ground then something is seriously wrong with his parents, and the kid.

RE: Advise needed please!

Zovirax (Elite) posted this on Monday, 11th July 2005, 23:24

Its a difficult situation like you said

No it aint,go round the parents house and tell them what happend,dont matter if they dont give a s*** or are abusive all that matters is their son as brought a problem to their door,also tell the School and the police do anything to bring hassle to that kids home and parents ,send them a bill for dry cleaning the shirt,do anything you can to p*** them off else chances are it will happen again.

RE: Advise needed please!

sarah k (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 12th July 2005, 05:23

tell the police as he is over 10 they can prosecute. they might be reluctant but also push under the anti social behaviour act. also inform the school that you are involving the police and once you mention that they should panic.

i`ve done both these courses of action to help protect both my children. on the police front i had to really push. but eventually they did actually go visit the child in question and put a notice on him under section 5 of the anti social behaviour act. for my daughter the school were useless and wouldn`t even get a teacher to talk to me until i said ok a boy slapping my daughter is assault and i will ring the police.... i spoke to a teacher in 5 minutes and the boy had a days exclusion (not much but at least his parents then found out what he thinks is fun).

RE: Advise needed please!

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 12th July 2005, 05:49

Go to the police!

Did it happen on the sports field or just at break at school?

There was this fatty spoilt brat in my class who just used to *barge* people out of the way in the corridors and on the staircase and just bellow "Mooooove!" at them. He was a tosser, someone could easily have got hurt like your son.

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RE: Advise needed please!

Mix Man (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 12th July 2005, 08:06

Go round to the parents house. Politely tell the dad that everytime his kid even so much as looks at your precious child, you will come round and smack the dad one in the face and leave a dent in his motor. You can bet the kid won`t be a problem again. :)

This item was edited on Tuesday, 12th July 2005, 09:16

RE: Advise needed please!

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Tuesday, 12th July 2005, 08:58

I truly hope some of these suggestions are firmly tongue-in-cheek... Otherwise, any proposal to threaten or injure the kid are just insane. Do you think your son`s recouperation would be assisted by you being held on remand pending prosecution ?!? A kid pushing or fighting another is one thing, but an adult seeking out a child for retribution is completely another.

Have a word with the police, and the school, and possibly (although it would be my last choice) - the parents. Of course it`s horrible, but I`m not sure there`s much to be done. :/

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This item was edited on Tuesday, 12th July 2005, 10:02

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