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live8 at Murrayfield

nice1 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 6th July 2005, 19:23

I`ve just been texted by friends in Scotland asking if I`m watching this and saying how great it is.
I put on BBC2 and what do we get? Full on flippin Food!!
Why is it only being shown in Scotland??!!

RE: live8 at Murrayfield

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 6th July 2005, 23:30

Yes, why just Scotland ? are they going to show the rest of the country an edited version ?

I have been seeing some of the action as short live feeds from my mates computer in Scotland, as he downloaded them to me, and the bits Iv seen are brill.

The Proclaimers were great, and James Brown with Will Young at the end was way out there :D

Im hoping to get a full recording of it this week, if its not shown here.

RE: live8 at Murrayfield

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 7th July 2005, 08:10

It was on BBC3 (or 4, can`t remember which) from 9pm through `til midnight. Missed the end though, as we were falling asleep and so went to bed.

RE: live8 at Murrayfield

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Friday, 8th July 2005, 14:37

Just watched it all on tape.

It was as the Scots say...Pure dead Brilliant, except for that interupting Scottish woman, who is she, Scotlands Cilla Black ?

The feeling in the stadium was more powerfull than London.

All the acts were great, from the Procaimers 500 miles (thought they lived now in Oz ?), to Wet Wet Wet, but James Brown and company, stole the show, and what about that sheila in the act wearing the sparkling red dress ?, from a distance she looked and moved like Jessica Rabbit :p

RE: live8 at Murrayfield

tifoso (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 9th July 2005, 17:58

That`ll be Mrs James Brown that you`re refering to, I presume?

RE: live8 at Murrayfield

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 9th July 2005, 21:32

So thats why Mr James Brown, feels good :D

RE: live8 at Murrayfield

Stranger Danger (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 9th July 2005, 21:42

So thats why Mr James Brown, feels good

and at 72 as well ! It was great to see a full set from him and he was fantastic with Joss Stone on Jonathan Ross the other week. As for Live8 Edinburgh, I thought it was much better than London. Enjoyed the duets between Jamie Cullum & Natasha Beningfield and The Corrs & Bono. Plus Midge Ure`s pianist was Eddie Izzard :D

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