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Just what is the point...?!

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 5th July 2005, 15:10

Steven Gerrard is set to leave liverpool and Chelsea seems to be his most likely destination. So just what is the point of anyone else trying to compete? this will effectively make next years premiership - Game Over!! Whats the fun in Chelsea winning the league by February each year until Roman Abramovich finally has enough and sells up?! Its becoming really disheartening as a football fan that Chelsea can come along and buy any player/coach/scout they want. We may as well have two trophies, give one to Chelsea then let the rest of us fight for the second trophy. :/

"I`ve not seen someone taking a beating like that, since someone put a banana down my pants and set a monkey loose.."

RE: Just what is the point...?!

sput2001 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 5th July 2005, 15:12

I`m not sure what Gerrard will bring to Chelsea that they don`t have already (assuming he does go there). All they`ll be doing is keeping him from going to a rival team...

RE: Just what is the point...?!

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 5th July 2005, 15:15

he`ll go to Real, not chelski

No Humping Stormtroopers here.......

RE: Just what is the point...?!

Andy Larkin (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 5th July 2005, 15:19

Seems like there will be an endless conveyor belt of players at Chelsea until they get just about every available star they want - already rumours that Joe Cole will not be willing to hang around as understudy if Gerrard comes. I think Gerrard will go abroad personally - surely it is not about his wages. I would like to see him stay at Liverpool and i dont even support them.


RE: Just what is the point...?!

gordyffc (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 5th July 2005, 15:20

Money didn`t buy Chelsea the Champions League and I don`t think they are certain to retain the title either.

Strange one on Gerrarrd`s part, he could have a new nickname at Chelsea - The Judge.


RE: Just what is the point...?!

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 5th July 2005, 15:20

So just what is the point of anyone else trying to compete? this will effectively make next years premiership - Game Over!!

A few years ago we were saying effectively the same thing about Man Utd...


News Editor and Reviewer

Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way, turn...

And those who dance will spin and turn,
And those who wait will wait no more,
And those who talk will hear the words,
And those who see will fade and die,
And those who laugh will surely fall,
And those who know will always feel their backs against the thin wall...

RE: Just what is the point...?!

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 5th July 2005, 15:32

Football is now a business not a sport and those clubs with deep pockets will buy the best players, coaches, managers, scouts and executives. The Premiership has only been won by 4 teams who all had huge resources at the time; Manchester United have been the most consistent team in England over the past 10 years and it is no coincidence that they also have been the richest club in the world for most of that period. Leagues throughout Europe are dominated by the same teams; Barcelona and Real Madrid in Spain, AC Milan and Inter Milan in Italy, Bayern Munich in Germany, Fenerbace and Galatastery in Turkey..... It is unusal that in England we now have one club with the buying power of probably the next two clubs combined.

Success breeds success and money talks, the same teams dominate domestic competitions and the only real competition exists in the UEFA cup and Champions League.

As a Liverpool fan, it saddens me to see what is happening with Gerrard and the wages he has been offered (£90,000 per week by Chelsea and £130,000 per week by Real Madrid) is just obscene.

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RE: Just what is the point...?!

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 5th July 2005, 15:54

Ive said it before and I`ll say it again: Every team in the last 20 odd years has bought the title.

99% of teams that have won the title have done so with the best players. How? They have bought them.

Had Newcastle not bottled it and stayed the course they could very well have won the title. And why? They would have had just about the most expensive squad assemble at that time. And no one would have batted an eyelid.

I personally think Gerrard will go to Real. Either that or Liverpool will get Joe Cole in PX, which I dont think will be a bad bit of business to be honest. At least cole always seems to be fit.

Oh, and elephant stone, I seem to remember you are a man u fan. I could just as easily say `As a Derby fan, whats the point in trying week in week out when the likes of manyoo go out and spend £30 million quid on one player`. Its all relative.

What im listening to (if youre interested)

This item was edited on Tuesday, 5th July 2005, 17:02

RE: Just what is the point...?!

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 16th July 2005, 17:19

As it stands at the moment, Gerrard is still at Liverpool, Shaun Wright Phillips is still at Manchester City and Michael Essien is still at Lyon although Essien and SWP may move if Abramovich digs deep enough into his pockets (at least £55 million for the two of them).

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