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Quote of the year - Martin O`Neill

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 7th June 2005, 15:27

Paraphrasing here,but close to the exact quote;

"I will have to return to football at some point as I need the money.I haven`t made enough to see me through the rest of my life"

What a prick.
All those years as a player and a manager ?

Down to his last million is he ?

What an out of touch k-no-bber he evidently is and,to be honest,what an insult to a fair majority of Celtic fans who worry where their next bottle of Mad Dog 20/20 is coming from.


RE: Quote of the year - Martin O`Neill

biglebowski (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 7th June 2005, 15:36

The full quote is here

In recent years, with more money coming into the game, I`ve been able to earn some decent money. I`m not saying
it will last forever, but lots of men with wives and loved ones with cancer probably haven`t been able to take time
out to do the things they would want to, because they have to go to work. I have the utmost regard for them.
"So I can do this while others can`t. But at some time I will of necessity, if my own health stays good, have to
return to work because I don`t have enough money to last a lifetime. But, listen, that`s not a problem compared to
what other people have to go through.

Fair and impartial as always bowfer. :)

RE: Quote of the year - Martin O`Neill

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 7th June 2005, 15:40

I like o`neil, mainly because hes a product of the Cloughie legacy.

That re-quote makes him sound like a pretty decent geezer. If he ever wants to return to management, we are usually looking for a manager this time of year......

What are you gonna do today Nick? Whatever I want to, Gosh!!

What im listening to (if youre interested)

RE: Quote of the year - Martin O`Neill

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 7th June 2005, 15:50

But at some time I will of necessity, if my own health stays good, have to
return to work because I don`t have enough money to last a lifetime.

Which is more or less what I said.
How the hell can he not have enough money to last a lifetime ?


NTG,you really do not want him as a manager.
He takes the good name of football and drags it through the mud.
His Leicester and Celtic sides were the same.
Full of big physical boys that intimidate and bully the opposition,whilst humping the ball forward.
Terrible stuff,and I know for a fact that there are umpteen Celtic supporters that are glad to see the back of him,despite his `success` (your granny could manage Celtic and win the SPL),because he took a side that was renowned for good football and turned them into something horrible to watch.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 7th June 2005, 16:53

RE: Quote of the year - Martin O`Neill

yabba dabba (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 7th June 2005, 15:51

Agree, he`s a top bloke.


RE: Quote of the year - Martin O`Neill

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 7th June 2005, 16:00

To be honest bowfer, if he could get us into the premiership and keep us there he could fill the team with big, physical ladyboys.

Taking a leaf out of Evertons book, its not the taking part, its the winning or losing that counts ;)

What are you gonna do today Nick? Whatever I want to, Gosh!!

What im listening to (if youre interested)

RE: Quote of the year - Martin O`Neill

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 7th June 2005, 16:05

It`s an argument I often have with fellow Aberdeen supporters NTG.
We`ve had our best SPL finish for years (fourth),but it`s been Everton-esque in it`s manner.
Dreary 1-0 wins left,right and centre.
Not what I pay to see.
I want to be entertained,not bored stupid.

RE: Quote of the year - Martin O`Neill

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 7th June 2005, 16:17

I agree its not the best manner to achieve success, but success it is.

On paper, like you say, its your best finish and in a few years thats all people will remember.

But on the other hand, its a bag of s***e to watch. Although getting 3 points is reward in itself if you see what I mean.

Burley had us, on our day, playing the most attractive passing football in the league, but i think if we had gone up and he`d stayed we would have got hammered....

Its a double edged sword. Im saying that I would rather have success, but I think if I watched 4-5-1 every week, i would get pretty f***ed off by the end of it.

On talk sport the other day Adrian Durham show was devoted to plans to discourage this. Some things floated were 4 points for an away win, points for every 3 goals scored and so on. I personally think its a dumb idea, but there were some s*** matches last season.

What are you gonna do today Nick? Whatever I want to, Gosh!!

What im listening to (if youre interested)

RE: Quote of the year - Martin O`Neill

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 7th June 2005, 16:26

We`ve had our best SPL finish for years (fourth),but it`s been Everton-esque in it`s manner.
Dreary 1-0 wins left,right and centre.

I take it you missed these results then:

Palace :3-1
West Brom: 2-1
Norwich: 3-2
Bolton: 3-2
Man City: 2-1
Portsmouth: 2-1
Aston Villa: 3-1
Palace: 4-0
Newcastle: 2-0

We only won 9 matches out of 38 1-0, half of our total wins, but don`t let that stop you making assumptions.


News Editor and Reviewer

Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way, turn...

And those who dance will spin and turn,
And those who wait will wait no more,
And those who talk will hear the words,
And those who see will fade and die,
And those who laugh will surely fall,
And those who know will always feel their backs against the thin wall...

RE: Quote of the year - Martin O`Neill

dvdloversortof (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 7th June 2005, 18:26

Dreary and Everton certainly go together.

And always liked O`Neil, wish him and his wife the best, let`s have him back in football soon.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 7th June 2005, 19:29

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