Page 1 of My son walked out of his job last week but the dole don`t consider his reasons grounds for doing so.
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My son walked out of his job last week but the dole don`t consider his reasons grounds for doing so.
1) 2 1/5 years of being criticised by his supervisor in front of staff and customers.
2) Workload increased by his supervisor to an unreasonable level.
3) Supervisor changing time sheets, against procedure, to stop him getting his sick pay
4) Management not interested when he brought it to their attention.
There were other staff in this department but, only he was treated in this way. So he walked.
He is looking for another job but needs money to pay his bills until one turns up.
The dole have now said he can't claim because they have decided he left voluntarily.
If they don't consider what he had to put up with a good enough reason to walk, then what is?
RE: My son walked out of his job last week but the dole don`t consider his reasons grounds for doing
Tell him to claim for a hardship payment. Also go to CAB and enquire about claiming for Constructive Dismissal. They will also help him try to get money from Dole. Hope it all works out.
RE: My son walked out of his job last week but the dole don`t consider his reasons grounds for doing
Well, in truth he did leave voluntarily, which doesn`t help when the DWP generally do things by the book with no deviation. Quite frankly, your son has my sympathy and I hope he finds a new job sharp-ish as I suspect the DWP won`t re-consider. Is there an appeals process?
News Editor and Reviewer
Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way, turn...
And those who dance will spin and turn,
And those who wait will wait no more,
And those who talk will hear the words,
And those who see will fade and die,
And those who laugh will surely fall,
And those who know will always feel their backs against the thin wall...
RE: My son walked out of his job last week but the dole don`t consider his reasons grounds for doing
Was he in a Union at work because if he was they could have sorted out his problems for him and told the supervisor they were behaving badly. Sounds as though he is better off away from there - hope he finds something soon. The dole office are probably adhering to the rules and your son is a bit unlucky but I can see why they are refusing him.
RE: My son walked out of his job last week but the dole don`t consider his reasons grounds for doing
Tell him to claim for a hardship payment. Also go to CAB and enquire about claiming for Constructive Dismissal. They will also help him try to get money from Dole. Hope it all works out.
Yup, he would have done better to get legal advice and look at the possibility of taking them to tribunal, rather than just walk. The CAB would have given advice for free if money`s tight.
As things stand - in the absence of other information - it looks as if the DWP wouldn`t have much choice but to consider his departure as voluntary. Either way, it looks as if he`s better off away his old employers. I hope things work out for him.
This item was edited on Tuesday, 17th May 2005, 11:40
RE: My son walked out of his job last week but the dole don`t consider his reasons grounds for doing
I used to work for the `dole`.
Some of the hard luck stories we got were incredible,but the rules are black and white.
If he left voluntarily,no dole money.
Simple as.
Of course some claimants seemed to think this was an excuse to call you everything,threaten female staff or pish in the lift. :/ >:(
I`m not saying your son is like this,bit many are.
What a fun fun FUN place that was to work. :¦
There were other staff in this department but, only he was treated in this way.
You have to ask yourself why.
I know you don`t want to think that your son was a `problem` employee,but some evidence is there. :/
This item was edited on Tuesday, 17th May 2005, 11:45
RE: My son walked out of his job last week but the dole don`t consider his reasons grounds for doing
If he left voluntarily,no dole money.
Simple as.
That may have been how it was when you were there but not now.
They usually pay on an innocent until proven guilty basis while they investigate the reasons for leaving and your son would have to fill in a form giving full details of the reasons he left .
Then they will make a decision on whether to stop his allowance for anything from 1 to 26 weeks or pay if they believe he had good reason to quit.
RE: My son walked out of his job last week but the dole don`t consider his reasons grounds for doing
Constructive dismissal cases are extremely hard to win, particularly as employers are required now by law to have a set grievance procedure or employees to follow.
If your son failed to follow this procedure, I`d say his chances of winning such a case would be reduced considerably, I`m afraid :(
As others have said, sounds like he`s well out of it, but the problems he faces now (no dole, reduced likelihood of winning a Tribunal case) are maybe more of a nasty predicament to be in than he could have been if he`d followed procedure.
Sorry to be such a mardy-pants, but as a trained Union official I`ve seen this happen over and over again when, sadly, employees suffer in silence and then decide the only thing to do is to walk away.
Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site
RE: My son walked out of his job last week but the dole don`t consider his reasons grounds for doing
The dole have now said he can't claim because they have decided he left voluntarily.
If they don't consider what he had to put up with a good enough reason to walk, then what is?
Nope, the dole (ahum, Job Seeker`s ALLOWANCE) are merciless. Absolutely NO personal circumstances are taken into account. I have had this from personal bitter experience when made redundant after 16 years with employer.
I know the staff have it all in black and white, but at least they could SAY they understand. That helps to ease the pain.
They won`t allow him any respite either. Go for job interviews by the score, even if he is not able to do the job. The interviews are the be all and end all to them (or the government).
To them, walking out of an intolerable job (and I understand this, flat mate is in one and has lost two stone from the stress and will soon be on Incapacity Benefits at this rate) is the worst "crime" possible.
Sorry, but they are going to give him a hard time. I DO hope he finds a job he LIKES very soon.
RE: My son walked out of his job last week but the dole don`t consider his reasons grounds for doing
That word "voluntary", what does it mean?
I always thought it meant witout coercion, harassment or any form of pressure.
You do something because you want to, not because you feel you have no choice.
"Voluntary", thats the word the dole used when they turned down his claim which to me says they believe being singled out at work and treated like crap is OK and no reason to leave.